"Isn't it strange
that you can't find a word to
say when you're praying but ...
you have no trouble thinking what
to talk about with a friend?"
do u know why that is...
1.you only thinkin how much time is left b4 u get 2 love..
when it has already showed the outcome..
2.your running late for a dinner date with
some friends and u make a stop for some drugs..
using substitutes for 4play
3.the pastor is waiting for u to show up for service,
but ur more interested in layin
back,in bed,watching the games,
with no respect 2 God
4.my job is my life..gotta
pay them bills..look good for the ladies/gents
5.sex is the more tantalizing
..I need my food
..find ,feel, fondle forget what
I was suppose 2 do..
u missed church..
all because..the world lives by
bread and body..talking
what makes u hungry..where the
flames are flickerin..
burning hearts..what ain't no games
ur not in control
the Lord
brought u here
so ; if what you see is more than it looks like..
it probably is..
no God fearin timeout 2 figure
worship..say a prayer..
thank him..
for no fumbles..or making that last call
2 touch down..Lovin...who??????
Sheila T Jordan
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