Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
once I was a
woman of chance
what grieved in times of romance
to honor & obey the laws
of matrimony
to cherish..love and hope for
where ur strong manly ways
kept us coming back & forth for
11 years and counting..with
mocha smiles and ripple biceps..
a body that had no scars..or battles
in tattooed..
he never believed in it..
you are the study
where criminology became ur major
where penal codes & mister minors
spelled first offender
but lived on a predicate..back & forth
the man with a twisted..lock
remains..a cell block
wearing a number over & over again
like no home raise u..a christian baptized
down in the water..what wanted
a man of the cloth..the birth of
JESUS..calls u child of GOD
where eyes looked on..beaming..happy
made me his girl..took care of my needs
shared emotional upbringing hard times..
difficult 2believe he was the best
chemical reaction..I had ever known as ..wifey
whatever He had ..I got..whatever I needed
there was no hesitation..he gave all of himself
back & forth..in and out...got 2 be a pain in my heart
a soul without..meaning..a love gone from sight..
saying Relationships
are not what I am feeling..so if the truth be said
matrimony was just a ceremony..
wearing no ending..where I still lay
my head..crying.. for U..Christopher..aka
my BOO...Create..Sheila T Jordan
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
in retrospect...where the mood saw a face ..she won't 4get
where the setting was bp kept..Where the pic..spoke cellblock.. ...saw no specs
just a black shadow..w hollowness..wears his silence..a shadow w/nonsense
i go bac from time 2 time..2 claim..that once clever brotha..what caressed my
mind..served me lovely..a bro's soul ..a soldier of penalties..from casualties & conflictions
blockade's from out access..parole violations...lived a dead president of ghetto threads
the soul's palpitations..heart throbbing..sweat wearing ..reacts this Sista ..formally
introducted as..poetry.. pages starring him....dimensions of black..coming through..but ..
verses of a smooth ..caviler..emotional lyric..what wore her days & night in bed..as her
indentity describes..2 him..the same wave length..in distance of a bridge..meeting his
apple..where eyes kept heights ranged from Empire States 2 ..the fresco STREETS..
the G thang keeping me delirious thoughts..what branded my heart..what burn inside
of want...years .stolen..rips my linen through tendah moments ..read...back & forth
gripping..life ..the pretense..holding on 2 subject matter...rated xxx...carries me..through stormy sees..a wrecked disturbed baggage...left..a man..worthy of everything..beaufiful..now
becomes ..his own publicity met..a soldier..of fortune..a news paper.. gathers no friend ..who..
I recognize..as the DREAM..made..from how..he covers his own skin..acting..like what never
believed..just a joke...the painted face of a batman's sinister crime link..2 finding who is the real
enemy..fact or fiction..he portrays as money..lights..camera..action..the main character..self
explanatory... what greets his morning coffee...his donuts or Oatmeal cookies...a social encounter
a dad ..up & coming...
All the L O V E & COMPASSION..from the first time ..I met you...I told u..it was love..I had 4 u
no..Bullshit..straight up front...personal..didn't matter ..what distance..or chatter..left u doubtful
insecured about..This was a heart feeling..pulsation ..erruptions..melting in stages..u performed..
acted out..left..me.. the common cause..2 remain..wearing ur frame..goreous..beautiful..crazzzy
the earth stopped...the skies opened up..the birds ..sang..words.. I shared as one..being w/ u..
for as long a forever..fave me..something 2 believe in...YOU..now..where u have me..wearing that lake of love...like ur mom..You were my dream come true...after feeling so ..blue...the disappearing acts of love..& poems..rest upon..what gave sweet moments Of u..WEARS WEAK
and sees ..what left you.. a G for comfort..wearing dead presidents..lovin it...shows me...this is what ..a child will witnessed be4 u...NON-SENSE
total NONSENSE....A DAD W/ a CHEMICAL IN-BALANCE...WHAT IS happening!!!!
that calls U POP..I have no words..but this...God..MAN..I have been by ur side ..
without even a mere kiss and I am still in LOVE..PRIVATELY..2 MY OWN SELF AFFLICTION..WANTING U..CARING 4..GET IT 2GETHER..this weed has got ya
zoned..in another world ..substance..2 ABUSE..UR NOT READY TO BE a father..I 'm the RETROSPECT..
THE reality check
..peace..L R..this is for ..4 your own good.
he laughs..BUT...ain't funny no mo'..UR HURTING ME
CREATE..UR PARTNER...Sheila T Jordan
Monday, April 19, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
now..let me think..
u say I'M thee 1..
fed w/ a spoon full of sweets
where jolly ..
happy pretends 2 live outside a dream...
2 wear a Valium
of Darvon's or Quinines..
the eazy way out..a stone counter ..
filled with
a latitude to fly like an eagle..
trippin trippin..trippin..2 the seas..
where my spirit carries me...
no further than life can bury me..
it's experiment
so u say..I will be..
another one 2 conjure up..life's principles.
striving 2 pretend..I am ur cry tears..
reads thee e motives 4..
excepting any cure
to laughter..ignored...
pounding my insecurities..
finding myself wearing
motives 2 what matters through..
a criteria e motion..loves final hour..
serving you as...the remedy 2 death..
a liquid I call ..DRAUGHT...the
other drug..sufficating..when LIFE care less 4...
knowingly..you don't know how 2 give back..
in love...so u die..kill the dream
4 all included..a selfish way 2 read what cry
tears reads the motive 4..living...
Sheila T Jordan
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Well..the wedding is over..my stay in Virginia was a wonderful five days of relaxation and
getting to meet such wonderful people..after the wedding..shirley and I went back to her house
while the bride and groom left on their weekend romantic hideaway...while we baby sitted her
grandchildren..there was so much to clean up..considering the bridemaids stayed at Susie's..while the men..stayed at her daughter's house..where her husband was part of the wedding party..a bacholar party went on there..while we had our cocktails..I had to prepare the gifts for the guest..while everybody else..went to a club..to see some M E N ,..STRIPSHOW...YEAH..I missed it didn't have no desire to go ..being I had the whole house to myself ..watched cable on her big screen tv..after I finished the guest bubbles and wraps..cleaned up...took my bath..because I knew that when they come home..I would never get a chance to take my bath..had to be up at 10'clock to go to the elk hall and decorate..apparently..they needed extra help..so me..my nephew in law..Eric..brotha in -law Pumpkin & myself was nominated to go that morning before the wedding..we finished in 2 hrs..where we were picked up and taken to the church...it was so exciting..seeing them ..we haven't seen one another in 7 years..since Susie moved outta NY..and it just so happens when they moved..it was right in my people's hometown..Norfolk..Virginia beach and thats 10 mins from Porthsmith..where she lives now...a beautiful area..i didn't wanna leave...her home is so nice and I was just thinking to myself..when my girlfriend..susie momhad died and how she had to move in with me in my 2bedroom apt..with my chidren and her2 girls..a very tight squeeze..and now shes in her own home..with her 15 yr old..and her girls..both have their own homes ...a blessing to say the least..married...beautiful...ERIC..PUMPKIN AND MYSELF had a reunion..being the ls time we saw one another..Eric was about 12..he lived in FAR ROCK..WHERE..Susie left in NY...NOW..HE'S A GROWN man..24..getting ready for his wedding day in July..amazing..how time flies..I was married to their Uncle..Chris..and he looks so much like him now.tall ..handsome..a wonderful young man he is..we all had a ball..Pumpkin..well..he locked for 10 years for sticking up a Mc Donald's..falsely accused..did time for nothing..wasn't even involved..SENSELESS..crime & punishment...A good man..took a mugshot and compared him with another..they finally got that dude...and now he is a free man on probation though..in a halfway house in FAR ROCK..going to TCI..sounds familar don't it..hummmm..LR..SAME SHIT..DIFFERENT LOCATION...
MY brotha-in law..he was 21 when he went in..hes now 32..
love him to death..and a for Eric..he made sure I had a slamming time we danced..talked about his Uncle ..why we aren't together..how He spoke to Chris last week in Florida...did I want2 know his whereabouts..I said politely ..no..did I want his cell..again ..I responded ..no..I am lonely..in need of love..but not at the price of being broken hearted..I got to see..Kolengi..her dad..he is living with Jamila now in Va..has a back room..built in their garage..turned it into a apt..real cool..i loved it..all and all memories..lingers on .. my family..years..being friends..helping out...being with Susies cousin...and The marriage that gave up prison life with/prison wifey..me...thats for listening,,have a good 1..
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Virginia here I come...Portsmith YES..i go 2 another WEDDING..MY FRIENDS DAUGHTER..Jamila
WELL..my bags are packed..
my ticket is ready..here I go..finally ..a trip to my girl
from NY..moved to Virginia 6 years ago..Iam now getting the opportunity to visit
the family..take a part in another Wedding..her youngest daughter..JAMILA..It's
been awhile seen we have got together...I am so excited..I remember when this girl
was just a teen when they left..Shirley got married..left NY..she's my cousin through
marriage..her cousin is Chris..my ex..we've been friends since her mother ..my friend
Willamena..who died..were neighbors of mine...right next door..close for years..love themwe use to party together..meet guys together..when the man who was currently w/her mom..where she went on a vacation to Mississipi..to visit relatives..she was found in the bathroom..hunched over..had an brain anurythm..word got back in NY..susie was young mother herself..w/ a daughter..the man who was taking care of them..find out...set a fire to the home for insurance purposes..made sure..there was nothing left for them..the fire suddenly spread through my window next door..smoke was everywhere..susie came home to no place to live..thats when.I came to the aid of her and shakerri..then 6yrs..i moved them in w/me...being my landlord was her godmother..in a small 2 bedroom apt..
I had..where she worked as a nurses aide ..like her mother..went to Queensbridge community college..met KOLENGI NAPIER..where she left my home..then down the years they had Jamila...broke up w/napier..and moved again to the project in far
FAR ROCKAWAY..REDFERN houses...lived there for 5 years..where she left NY..GOT married 2 A BROTHA SHE MET IN JAIL..and the rest is history..Last year..we made contact...where she found out about my mother ..told me ..she almost died from blood clots in her throat..and that when ...I shared w/her about my near death experience with a stroke..
we swore never lose contact again..SHE PAID FOR MY ticket..thats love
& friendship..touching moment..how u found drama as it's deed
2 help out someone..God comes along and save the day..
just thought I mention..
thanks 4 listening..it's time to go...seeya next week...
be back friday..the16TH...IN THE MEANTIME
PEACE ..HAVE A GOOD 1..Create..Sheila..muah!!!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
This is a story..
I must share with my viewers..
it take place in a town
where everyone has rights to love and
be loved /with circumstances under their belt..
where all that makes up different elements..
people who were survivors of the Drug era..
where I grew up...we faced
the Black boycotts of Watts..
the colors of the rainbow flower children..a
violent state of mine..
where war paint sends a message of Wars
in Vietnam..Black panther parties..
the fist of liberty and screaming
we shall over come paved the way to victory..
as I look back on street life..
the song which speaks
heroin addiction..the year of Aquarius..
fires..churches being burned down in
the Mississippi's south..killing three black lil girls..
2 black brothas and a Jewish
friend..Images of hatred & neglect...
it is now..2010..
why are we still visualizing that same effect...
I am so ANGRY..floored about life and how
some still don't get the true meaning..
what God had done for all that survives..
I am very upset in my journey..
while witnessing the fruits of labor...
working..able to buy a car..house..use a hole
in the wall 2 eniciate product..taking out all thoughts
& transfers 2 another time
wasting ours generic rules of being LIFE..
a substance to function right..having fun in
the process while THE TRUTH..remains evident..
we are not our OWN destiny 2 RECOGNIZE..we own no soul
calling the days 2 expiration early..but in
Gods hands when it becomes..his will..
the devil's way to enjoy products over the counter..
under doormats on street corners or even in
pharmaceutical plants manufacturing..
We have lost so many human beings..
died w/no sense or purpose
to remain a dad..mom..children left behind..a clone..
with an identity to find..the world has shown..
it is a difficult atmosphere to evolve..
to grab a hold of spirit and wear
it as God..he died for us..we take it for granted..
we smoke filled dreams..dance to the street merchants..
who supplies our heads w/ a cause to celebrate..
none2 die..2 drink..over indulge.
pass a violent mixture of suicide..
forcably allowing Life 2 become our ticket
what Jesus died for on the cross4 US..
I am so apolled..tears roll down my cheek.
actually taking part in this world as we see it..
I have many who..as well as myself..
as well..lacing the totes..
breaking the rules of LIFE..bending my ass over
to the evils of street ..
walking that long corridor to the chambers of goodbye..
saying..this is my temple of ..
I know not the what is the kingdom..when all the time..
ur brain's out to lunch..playing urself..drinking..doping..
mainlining..cocaine in..freebasing..weed with
cigar paper & industrial strength chemicals..
I am mad..when I see a transformation..
turn..angel of death...my face changes..
my thoughts are nothing..not what I was at birth
where..again..the track of living..
crews with a chains holding me bac..a black human
figure..created in his image..
not a gift for killing the human race..I am so angry this day
why..because right now as I write this testimony..
my closest seeds are lifting ..getting
high..not even thinking
I know whats happening in there lives...
the only thing is left
to realize..all that is on a level of positivity
& soul searching....WILL SEE HIS KINGDOM
where urs is up in arms ..with no care in the WORLD..
4 Eternity..where he waits..for u..
ur death..time is short..why???..think..
whatcha gonna do!!!..H A P P Y E A S T E R..
H U M A N S..
God Bless YOU..
Create..Sheila T Jordan
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