Texas I come...
PEACHES..AKA..FLO's Sunday and I am feeling kinda down..the situation here is getting very still
the days are drawing closer and closer ..u must do what must be done to rearrange
ur life..the house is not the same..charges are about to b is working on a plan
to move on..I am feeling pretty bad..Why?'s not working out..the bills are taking a toil on
my's hot..irritable..
no one has anything to say...
my grand is thinking..what's going on..
mom is now 6 months
gone on the 19th of June..
people have shut down in the family..
the atmosphere is shallow..
un concerned..selfish..
my daughter is
having problems w/my son..
we have been dealing
with a lotta bull..taking over...
acting like he owns the place since
the job on the roof..I have to realize..
he is in need of help..
has a serious disturbment..
thinks it's all gonna work it's way out..
but the truth of the matter is..
I have a big problem here..
since there dad got killed when he
was only 10 years old..
the trauma did something terrible..
and it's not getting any better he's a grown man .
w/child like state of mind..he loses respect ..
don't wanna hear what no one
says in terms of what belongs to who..
walk around talking to himself..
says things..
my daughter can't stand around the kids...
yells at them for no apparent reason..
when people don't pay him for
Jobs he do..
comes home with a evil streak..
taking it out on everyone...
my brother is waiting for the plans
to go in effect..T H E ..T R U T H>
he wants us out..
so he can sell the property..
he can't handle it any longer..
I am feeling like I never part of this home..
family as the old saying goes..
If you can't be with the ones u love..Love..
the ones ur with...
in my opinion..that the
children are the ones I have
taking care of for all my years..
now there suppose to
move on with their lives..
I will be relocating...
NY is a thing of the past..
there are friends..who have left ..
all are out of the city..
where I have been asked..
what are ya gonna do?? ..
now..I am leaving..
going to live in a place ..
where i made my home many years ago..
where arms have held
me close...wore me their bloodline..
feed me when I was NEW YORK..
saw life as a single mother...
divorcee..raised a family all by myself..
stood by me when I had no one
to care but my parents..there gone with God..
so I have no other choice
in the matter..
but to restore what has died.. poetry is my Iife
and I will not betray the messager ..
what kepted me writing..
where I look on my Dining room wall..
staring at my mother's award from Library of
Congress..where I hold on to her
she never got the opportunity
to have published..
star out her window..
every time I walk in2 that room..
bow my head & say..
I will do as u help me God...
it is time ..I take that first step..
move on to a better place..
where My girlfriend..Peaches is not well herself..
.is doing ok..but ..
shes waiting for her place to be done..
from her son Ricky who also has issues ..
where someone..years ago..
gave him a micki in a night club...
in a drink...later was found on a railroad crossing..
striped of his clothing..delirious..
not hes mentally ill..
was going to become a Model at
ford modeling agency whose well known
for all the top models in Hollywood and abroad..
he is 49..and a chronic
mess since they moved to Texas...
Peaches was adopted..
she never knew her mother until she got older..
where she went searching..
her dad was in the military when he met her mom..
and the rest is history..
we've been friends since sisters..I was 25..
she was 38 when we met on that
cool morning of the bus stop
waiting for our children to start school together..
and now were history in the making..soo..
this is where I will be going..
I have other family members that I can choose
to go and start over..but..
Peaches has a mind that will outlive us all if
God had his way..
I am truly thankful to call her my
Best friend..
shes a business woman ..
owned three Restaurants & one cleaner/combo
Laundry mat named after her
Far Rockaway years ago..where I used to wash
my kids clothing b4 for I bought a washer & dryer ..yeah...
think Texas was calling me ..
long time ago...Colorado was as well..
where my sister is..but..
I fell in love with Dallas...
a lotta NEW YORKERS live there now..
but it's tropical..nice mixture of such...
But ..I'll b talking 2 ya ..
Thanks for listening..
Peace..Create..Sheila T Jordan