"Controversy breaks it's silence..
what grieves to longevity
I spoken hardtimes..where ..I b knocked down ..
u hear me swallow my pride..
whats shuts out..breaks it silence...
though u may feel my urge 2
make attempts..ring out a message in
response by claps ..cheers 2 my defense..
the truth claims it's battles..
seeks it's sound barrier..walks through anger..
grips..feeding struggle..living..
where my silence ask
you..is there a heaven for a brotha..
losing..what cannot comes 2 terms
signed away..his generics..a seed formally known as..
long days in2 night..
what ya gonna do..when the mountain speaks..
where rough times plants it's fields..
u built..u sweat..u hunger..
no food for thought..but..the opression..
signs..wonders..whose responsible..so
I am my own back...
left..as a reminder...no chance
in hell..stays the likeness...
calling you survival in the midst
of ghetto threads...
what mends itself...an option..spelled..
"The Blackness"...Keep on!!!
where I remain that force of Habit..
I shall not be moved..The Mountain has spoken..
Create..Sheila T Jordan.."
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