Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Facebook | Sheila Create T Jordan

"B E A U T I F U L..
T H I S ~I S~ W H E R E~ W E~ C A M E~ F R O M.. I am what wears me the fruits of labor..bares me the soul who giveth a heart that pumps blood..a shining ...light that kept us ..a mighty strong force..what formed us..Loving..Caring..Considerate Thoughtful..unselfish..generious humble..the birth of our ancestry reading the gospel of
Oscar Bullock my Grand father..their KING ..father while Grandma holds the family unit together..where i looked forward seeing her visit every summer in the Bronx & Queens NY..those were the days when we all would congregate..
a F a m i l y..R e u n i o n..where the Love never ends...but..Just the beginning blessed..repeating the cycle.. what is a new life Order..meeting..beauty..in
peace C R E A T E..Sheila.

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