Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bobby Womack "Nobody Wants You When You're Down And Out"

there's a
voice who speaks
when trouble follows Good Karma..
what ,now walks in violence..
sees the path holding u back
when the street speaks..gotta get
outta here..but once the tempers flare in
savage wind..ur heart is stubborn..
refuses to give in..then u
wear ugliness..noone wants,
desires or tolerates
the force is with ya now..
your Violence, won't let u back home
w/ no money, job or a level mind
to focus on..your body's hard
your able to run, lift and carry ur own
weight ..flow in words..constructive
leave urself outta harms way..
but stay in & out of mischief..calling the
shots..being outspoken.
what can't adapt to living right
in the eyes of ur people
what can't take ya..or make ya, so
ya break all tides
keep it moving from their lives
feeling ..what owes you..stares at itself
w/ no approval..u not ur stature
what lies..talks diffferently..behind
closed doors..
the truth is the light, what shines
is no more..a smiley face,
a happy place, family made it
beautiful and now..
a fool n his whereabouts
no longer gains access..a wolf in sheeps
clothing..tryna get over on
what rules the Earth
your Kingdom..for what can't
have his way ..anymore
vanishes from site..
lost the love they once knew
being..sugah coated
left outta there..
when..I was DOWN & OUT>>Now I am..
w/no Dollars..NO all

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