Thursday, December 30, 2010
"Dec29th..Thursday..N I A..PURPOSE..
to make as our collective building of
our communities...
I will become
the mountain that builds,
operates and restores a village
as it's gather
what generates better living..
honoring what feeds off of
strong bodies..
working together..
One love..Create"
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
2010/ {Merry Christmas..BLOGGER}
My Turkey Roaster w/
over achievers
what becomes of the future
baring hands of labor
hearts of home
where the love is God
and the gifts we become all through
L I F E..
what strives to be..the next
Generation of KINGS & QUEENS
The TORCH..Passed down
H I S T O R Y..
★Merry★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★Christmas★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門| ˚And a happy new year:') ♥"
Sheila Create T Jordan
Corporate maintain and keep our
business/within our own powers 2 gain..profit..I like this one..productivity
endorsed..a reputable..concept of living self sufficiently secured..amen..
No hold bared or blocked from the true prospective.. financially
well off..amen..Create say: well aright now"
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sheila. CREATE says: Dec28th..Day III..
kugutachulyah: Collective work & Responsibility...
~~these are my words~~
I build w/ steady hands,
a sturdy mind..create a foundation..
what's solid to perform..
where my villages stands
ten feet tall..where my call is
a circle coming together..
My people keeping it all together..united.
.faithful and above all..
a color enriched
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Umoja Karamu -PII

"Umoja Karamu,
meaning 'unity feast' in Swahili, is an African American
celebration begun in 1971 by Dr. Edward Sims, Jr. Celebrated in a manner
similar to Thanksgiving, Umoja Karamu is held on the fourth Sunday in
November. Its purpose is to instill solidarity, black values, and appreciation
of black heritage into black families. Prayers, libations to honor ancestors,
historical readings, and feasts mark observances.
The celebration is based on five periods of African American life, each
represented by a color. Prior to Slavery - the color black, represents black
families before slavery In Slavery - the color white, symbolizes the scattering
blacks families during slavery Upon Emancipation - the color red, marks
blacks' liberation from slavery Struggle for Liberation - the color green,
significances the struggle for civil rights and equality Looking to the Future -
the color gold, points celebrants to hope for the future
Umoja Karamu is said to be growing in popularity"
Kwanzaa -

Kwanzaa -
"Maulana Karenga of the
US Organization
created Kwanzaa in 1966 as
the first specifically African American
holiday.[2] Karenga said his goal
was to 'give Blacks an alternative
to the existing holiday and
give Blacks an
opportunity to celebrate themselves
and history, rather than simply imitate the
practice of the dominant society.'
[3] The name Kwanzaa derives from
the Swahili phrase matunda
ya kwanza, meaning
first fruits of the harvest
.[4] The choice of Swahili, an East African
language, reflects its status as a symbol
of Pan-Africanism, especially in
the 1960s.
Kwanzaa is a celebration
that has its roots in the black nationalist
movement of the 1960s, and was established
as a means to help African Americans
reconnect with their African cultural
and historical heritage
by uniting in meditation
and study of African traditions and
Nguzu Saba, the 'seven principles
of blackness'
which Karenga said 'is
a communitarian African philosophy'.
During the early years of
Kwanzaa, Karenga
said that it was meant to be an
alternative to Christmas,
that Jesus was psychotic, and that
Christianity was a white religion that
black people should shun.
[5] However, as Kwanzaa
gained mainstream adherents,
Karenga altered his position so that
practicing Christians would
not be alienated, then stating
in the 1997 Kwanzaa:
A Celebration of Family, Community,
and Culture,
Kwanzaa was not created
to give people an alternative to their
own religion or religious holiday.
'[6] Many Christian African
Americans who celebrate
Kwanzaa do so in addition to observing
Christmas.[7] In 2009, Maya Angelou
narrated the award-winning
documentary The Black Candle,
the first filmabout Kwanzaa. Principles
and symbols"
Friday, December 24, 2010
Quiz/Life Stress Test - OrganizedWisdom Health
"QuizLife Stress TestYour ResultsYou're highly likely to develop a stress-triggered
illness due to everything that's going on in your life. However, your coping skills
and the efforts you make to reduce stress can minimize this risk. Talk to a mental
health professional if you need treatment. Support groups and convenient online
forums can be beneficial, too. Common stress-related illnesses to watch out for include:
Back pain
Common cold
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Autoimmune diseases
Heart disease
Heart attack"
Writers Guild's Photos - Wall Photos
"Merry★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★Christmas★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚ _Π_____*。*˚
˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ 田田 |門| ˚ To my Friends and Family,
From my house to yours ♥
We Wish You a Merry♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Christmas♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪"
Joy..I bring
you holiday Cheer..
When all else wears a frown
and tears gives way of
feeling down..
where the memories
linger in sound ..words spoken
MOM..I miss you ..
God knows Our days are
shedding..I wither in silence
But Rudolph is wearing a
smile..Santa still makes me feel
it is a Lifetime of happiness
where ur spirit never
left this Home
So..I say in the name of JESUS..
GOD the father Almighty..
our LOSS is Gain through
The days Of living 2 worship
the NATIVITY..Baby Jesus
was Born..the gift of Mary & Abraham..
where the three wise men..sheep
camels..all his glory..
blessed in the name Jesus..
Peace and Good will
towards men...amen
Newark.. GOTTA GET A WITNESS....Is that you....majority Rules..
My answer to SISTA...
Words 2 LIVE By...w/ a CROSS
no one Bares 2 BECOME..
what Accentuates MEANING
while Being BLACK..
K W A N Z A A....DEC26..
Sheila T Jordan..
Stay emerged
I fights outta
the light shines
through hard rocks and
criminal existence.neva saves a
village...if...u stay among majority..
where blacks commit the cause to b..a city
that never saves itself..showing no way
outta the Ghetto chasing rainbows..
where artillary calls the aim at the wrong people..
ur own..gotta get a witness for the proscecutors,chain effects taking
u down,making us's our own ass to cleanup..what forms it's armies..
ur battles dealing w/ Mayor Booker that lives one block ..
neighborhood politcally n correct..not Good, affiliates,community
action boards..the structure it takes to make all thangs matter..
be the cause ..b ur own..Be what matters, 2
that's the only biblical aspects inscribes..God Inside you amen...
Vote..resolutions Conquers understanding..the revolution wiil not b televised ..
what stays behind..what become disadvantage neglect..gotta b the cause in effect..
no ur mind..speakout..I shall not be moved..where bondage.
.ties you..B dis-advantaged..Unanimous..BLACK..rise above..
claim ur the W A majority..THE rules
of winning..
NiyQQual brother..
Thursday, December 23, 2010
DEA History Book, 1975 - 1980

H A R L E M"s
King lord of drug Empire
NOW..In the present..
By 1979, 26 million Americans
were considered regular drug users.
DEA Special Agents
DEA Budget
1975.....$140.9 million
1980.....$206.6 million
During this period, drug use in America escalated,
and by 1979, 26 million Americans were considered
regular drug users. Government policies urged law
enforcement organizations to de-emphasize
marijuana and cocaine investigations in favor of
increased heroin enforcement activities. Because
marijuana and cocaine were not considered high
priorities for law enforcement agencies, many
Americans believed they were free to use both drugs.
Consequently, cocaine and marijuana use became
widespread throughout the United States."
blacks in drugs - Search results - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
blacks in drugs - Search results - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"Black Poppy Black Poppy is a British magazine for drug users,
run by a non-profit organization ... narrative by people who use drugs,
for people who use ...
THIS IS for YOU...L I F E/ a choice
read me, non Violent..a plastic tube
manufactured..hospitals, pharmaceutical
plants..the opportunity to get close..make
me ur friend..curiosity becomes..hooked a
crook gambles w/ inner self penalties..where
flesh wounds me, shots fired..I become falling
on hard times, a victim, the ambulance
arrives on critical, silence, I hear a voice..say..
The Truth & the light, days are
is me..ur recovery, get on ur knees,Quick..
while pain urges habits still n need,I 'm
diagnosed..Aids affiliate,HIV..belly eats what's
burning inside, becomes a lifetime of Broken
dreams on a Christmas night, thoughts of
suicide ur a million Dollar habit, stressed n
I.O.U's..hustled the dealer..ur a needle in the
Hay,stacking, pushin Blow, main lining,
hard balling, his profit, doin ur thang..JOHN DOE.
does this ring a bell, other than a need 4
speed, becomes a body in the morgue..
a chronic feed w/Jeans sagging off his rear,
mixed Outlook..confused..I should have listened to
that Meek Voice that spoke..lost n
space bwt heaven & hell,2Dozes of prevention..
the Cure was Me..JESUS spoke..I answered..
Pleaseee..Lord.HAVE mercy On Me.
stop playin w/ God's
Create..Sheila T Jordan
Sheila Create T Jordan/ A Poem
I respond to
Get a Life...on facebook..
a brotha I shown yall on you Blog
from around the way was an ex
addict seller..jail house rocker..Stone habit
forming ex-con..reformed..released and
recovered..amen..YVE..get ur christmas on's all
about days 2 Improved...OUT of Being..BLACK..
Reality is the key to being
bac 2 life ..b about
Sheila T Jordan..CREATE
Feelin me in 2011...Greetings death..or gun battles..
...what eva begins a motion to raise ur
fist.or take ur frustrations on some1
u can't deal w/ ..get high w/ or u just
don't understand not being
understood through anyone..kicking
down doors and breaking hearts..
lost ur love one..or deprssed due to
unemployment..bills..cases pending in
ur defense..lingering..want it over w..
that Includes..probation..parole violation..
years n cellblocks..unexpected news..ur
a father..again..not amarried man or out
of Jail..what gives..the Mortgage is due..
life insures ur securities,
for ur family..all withdrawn,,due to ur
addictive past habits...all n all..2011..
Gets another Life New, with JESUS,,
stand Up..and say....whatever do ya
whatever do ya need's closer than
you think..L O V E>>WAKE man..
Lawrence Fishburn spoke out on campus ...
everyone..w a k e u p ."
~S A L V A T I O N~
Thank You..
and all the other Drug and rehab centers
out in the USA..helping
a cause 2 b FREE once more..
from being in flight &
Out of control..Senseless..
starting over..
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Read Note -PTI..another one Christmas in review
Deck them there halls..look what Santa sent .. my bp notes..ho ho ho!!!
"Subject: WOW wow what a sweet look you have.I would be quiet keen
and interested in you as long as you are serious and
being honest. I have read your profile and have shown online now. Till then stay bless."
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Read Note - Part III//he's
He's back yall..
"I am very relationship oriented and I believe life is too short to waste.
When I am in a relationship I am committed, honest, and loyal. I think
that falling in love is always a good thing, even if it doesn't work out.
There is always something to learn from being with someone, and happy
times and memories should be cherished. Friendship comes first for me.
That is not to say I never get hurt because I do. I have been burnt so bad.
My last relationship ended on a very sad note for me but I do not believe in
regrets. I tell you this because I cannot predict the future. For some people
a relationship has to be all or nothing...I don't feel that way.
But I never in the past nor do I intend to intentionally hurt someone by
cheating, mistreating, or abusing them. Ok, for my questions to you.
What are some of your goals, hopes and dreams?Are you really single?
How long have you been single? Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Do you have any kids? If yes, How many? cos i love kids and i like to
play and be with them so i don't mind if you have many cos i will be
more then okay with them.What do you do for a living?How old are
you really?Do you want more Kids? If there is something you want to
say but you think you might be rambling or it is not important, it is ok,
to me it is important. Well...I see I wrote a novel here, I am looking
forward to getting to know you better. I guess I will go for now hope
to hear from you soon.
Here's a lil something
I left on Shang's Page at FB..Now I am sharing it w/ ya Blogger..this
is how I feel about my friends at all the Artist
and Entertainers..:0..HO-HO-HO..Merry..HAPPY..
for the smell.
what lingers in sweat,
heat of love..
the times we spend..
as friendship..
the Joy u bring among
ur fb cliks,
what claps..breaks
down in laughter..stays on
point..through every line..
Bounty hunter, strong wonder
in jeans & sweat tops, baseball
chaps..not tryna2 yell at ya.. or
grab a hold of ur thundar..
Brotha Shang..Just wanna say..
I am the continuation.. among
the many..2 appear..that neva stops
Keep on pushing..My laughter..
smiling..Ur Partner.,neighbor..
Nyc poetry Lyric..Create..Sheila
HaPpY hOlIdAyS 2 you..Muah!!!!"
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Jimi Hendrix Experience

opportunity to see
The Jimi Hendrix Experience when
I was only 15 years old
at The Monkees Concert Forest Hills Tennis Stadium
w/ my ace girlfriend at the time..Barbara..
an old neighbor of mine
we grew up got
Paraphernalia on the Monkees..
where I write about this..
I got..2143 responses..from fans ..still
but when they heard about me actually seeing..
Jimi hendrix..
They all started asking me Questions
I felt like a celebrity myself..this legend
was very well loved..despite
how they reacted to his performance..
booed him off the stage
he was breaking up guitars on the large amps
back in those days...they thought
he was a animal..Crazyyy..but the stage
lit up with smoke and fireworks
the most exciting thang I have ever
experienced in my Life..wild..but
Wonderful...Love it..
Just to know..a Black man was a Rock
sensation..that caught the World by storm
WE miss you...J I M I..
R.I.P...thanks for listening..
Create..Sheila T Jordan..
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power,
the world will know peace ..
Jimi Hendrix"
Sheila Create T Jordan
Sheila Says;
"Sometimes the lights of the world,
gifts we bring shines among all this Holiday season..
showing Love is the most important thing will learn
& trust..through hugs&kisses..a great big SMILE..
through all..Angels look upon us..the Joy it brings..
where Christmas Is forever Humble..children
are the gifts, Birth of Jesus we celebrate.happy
Holiday,God Bless u..Peace good will Everyone..Create
Sunday, December 19, 2010
IMPROMPTU's debut presentation of "FREE WRITE & METAMORPHOSIS"
My passion for
Poems ..It wears me..
company common descency
the words
the nature by which it is planted
the interpitations of our craft
what's symbolized in
Jesus Speech..Graced in LOVE
Blessed upon scripture, a born
again believer..brought
among his superiors
able minded lyricist..musician..
repetoires in motion..where fingahs
march along the keys of life
Using one of his admirers
God Profess the imfimite
leaders of the Mic..cast among
an audience of harmony, fulfilled
what claps..stands up, applauses
w/ certaincy,Beautiful
reads me the pages of POETRY
where I join the Lords's
instruments of Music..a fine voice
that speaks..Bible..where family keeps
it's spiritual connection
Bonded..not scattered beneath
understanding..but strength above all
Christianity..where Our Castle is
brought 2 you by..
W E L C O M E..
my B U D D Y...Partner..
T R I B E...
C R E A T E.
MOOZ-lum Theatrical Trailer
what carries me..the
weapon of our people
what lures the enemies in Nations of
defeat..quakes at the sound of Worship
cries with no understanding our laws of Islam
what am I to you..
the raging force of battle..where Love
holds our discipline, respect as
the Qua 'ran fights it's way through
a World who knows only
scriptures in Versions of Kings 2 translates
America's untimely rituals..
where I am lies..who come n peace
you say caused...the truth has no
guidance in mortal blessing..worn different
sees no hope for tomorrow
our fate is enriched..The God..Ali.. who prays
at noon..on our any other
Christan..we come in no harm
to all Life that Worships..but..I am..Ali..
God's way of saying...we all are
who seek Heaven..remain the Word of our FATHER..
ALI..JAH, a Land
No One Understands His Penalties Toward MAN..
rest upon..Days l wear ..u find ..E V I L..
'A R A B I C"
Mooz-Lum "The Movie Top 10 Cities Released

"'MOOZ-lum' The Movie
Is your city in high demand?
Here are the top 10 in our 2.11.2011 release competition.
1. New York
2. Chicago
3. Atlanta
...4. Los Angeles
5. Toronto
6. Detroit
7. Philadelphia
8. Houston
9. Dallas
10. San Francisco
These 5 are close behind...
Washington DC, Minneapolis, Baltimore, Boston and Miami"
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Read Note -
Read Note -
I had to share this w/ my BLOGGERS
I just wanna let everyone know .the Cons of life are still working inside
what's not known to a Face..WOrth HAving..they write...
Category: Community
To: cws812je
Subject: hey u Wow I am here looking at your profile...
Ussshhh God when I saw your profile, I must say I was
really captivated and absorbed, My heart stumbled for you ,
My eyes are on you I have never seen a woman That look
so captivating, enchanting, charming, gorgeous, sweet in
my life before .You are the most sweetest woman I have
ever seen in my life, I am looking for a partner in life and I
want someone That will be there for each other both in bad
and in good times, I think you are the woman I really need,
desire my life, its good to have feelings for someone like you
because I know you must be open minded, honesty, caring,l
oving, I really pray now that you will be the one for me, I
will never look at any other woman eyes again in my life I
will take you as My Queen and My soul mate forever I want
you to know I really need a woman and looking at your eyes..
makes my heart skip a bit and My soul is dieing of your love,
I would like to know you better, You Can you e-mail me to cause i do not come here much,
I pray you get back to me, I Can?t wait to know a Queen like you.
I am here waiting to hear from you. Bye for now boo
collins22tx -
PlayIng W/ me Of Course...LOL:)
"If i had one would b you..
alone with no entrance out..just a nice
place..w/ no body around..candles
burning and a dream..collins ..u will
be in my thoughts..but not..a woman
in her vintage..ur a babe....thanks..Create"
collins22tx - REPLY

Female, South Ozone Park, NY
Posted 6 secs ago
thank you for ur interest...
we musn'tget mixed up in friendship..
u undressed my soul..grab me up and
made me ur hold..when we have yet to
incounter blliss from early morning dew
and water drips as my shower..sees no flesh..
wonders seek to fulfill..but ..dreams are for
the moment..looking to find...
Ms Right.:)..thank you for ur kind WORDS..Create"
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sheila Create T Jordan
Sheila says;
Through being judgement..not 2b Judged..a thought process..
waiting to exhale..learns ur ownself expressions..ask ;is it me..GOD..
is this just another person u see..coming out of eyes that count the
many ways of attitudes..feeling me n character..neva's
not their fault..but how u make them attention..listen to
ur heart..check urself, mind flows freely,burn on impulse..Create"
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Coney Island's Shore Theater Is Named a Landmark -

"Todd Heisler/The New York Times
The Shore Hotel
on Surf Avenue in Coney Island.
The Shore Theater in
Coney Island, a neo-Renaissance Revival
contemporary of the Cyclone
and the Wonder Wheel, is now a landmark.
The Landmarks Preservation
Commission approved the designation for the
Shore and three other
buildings on Tuesday afternoon.
The Shore, originally known as the
Coney Island Theater, was built between 1924
and 1925. Beginning in
the mid-1960s, the theater began housing
musical revues and burlesque.
A few years later, following a brief experimentation
with adult film, it catered to a
(presumably) different demographic:
bingo players. Today,
at seven stories high, the vacant building is one
of the tallest in the area.
Other buildings that were given landmark
status include an Art Deco
skyscraper at 500 Fifth Avenue designed by
the architects of the Empire
State Building and completed in 1931; the Rogers
Peet building at 258
Broadway, an eight-story neo-Renaissance
building built in 1900 near
City Hall; and Alderbrook House, a country home
built in 1859 in the
Riverdale section of the Bronx, then a holiday spot
for wealthy families."
Monday, December 13, 2010
Rapper Ja Rule pleads guilty in NY weapon case

Rapper Ja Rule has pleaded guilty in New York to attempted
criminal possession of a weapon. The gun-possession case stems from a July 2007
stop of his luxury sports car. The rapper said 'this isn't a good day' and declined to
discuss the case as he left a Manhattan court. Police say they found a loaded
semiautomatic gun in a rear door of the $250,000-plus car after it was stopped for
speeding. In court Monday, Ja Rule was promised a two-year prison sentence.
He's free until sentencing, on a date yet to be set. He's due in court Feb. 9 for an
update. Ja Rule's 'Pain is Love' was nominated for a best rap album Grammy
Award in 2002. The 34-year-old rapper -- born Jeffrey Atkins -- also has appeared
in movies, including the 2001 film 'The Fast and the Furious.'
Copyright 2010 The Associated Press."
Remove "Fuck Jesus Christ" from Facebook |
Remove "Fuck Jesus Christ" from Facebook
"Remove 'Fuck Jesus Christ' from Facebook
Facebook should block all attempts by persons to
curse against any religion Learn More"
Saturday, December 11, 2010
full of lines in
does one simplify tolerance
wore..out of what's mad inhibited..
what unjustifies rights..the asylum of
the underground tunnels where
my freedom
projects me as a future that still
holds me in bondage..
what's technically is freedom..
bodies looking like a turbo galaxy
what finds I am cosmic..hard.
a universal atmosphere..what spans
a globe w/edges to
hardware stores it's
charcoal; a mainframe from beating
my soul as it's major
organs..a journey..
u had me 2 say, yes sir or madam..
where I take flight
of origins..not so sturdy..strong
built's circle
inside out of Slave trades..
captured me,a limit 2 brightness
the portals which close me..
a figure of speech..hellhound..the chain
gang..Slavery..ur choice of who I be..
worth the powers arrived..Nubian..
Orders 2 obey..behind mental
burdens & cell blocks of clay ..
the mold..
where I shuffled my own
self anatomies bound and gagged...
The Last Black on EARTH
W/ NO WAY 2 Escape..What's been
Centuries old, Owners running
names..a darkness..a reflection feeling
out of salvation..
ships metal of steel I wear
as the present..Ur own
worst enemy..a race in time..nobody
wanted 2 become a likeness of
what's a replica..looks Back..
as & transformed ..your
Soul survivor..Light before darkness,
can't change..Brothery Love..
a Color Of
Hellhound Slavery..reversed..
energy..where we come NATURAL..
Real ..Mentally rearranged..talented
orbits w/ no chains
hung.. b tied ..a PRISONER..
bullgarity ..
ur LEADER..a future..Black in
Colors..where there was NO signs
that can't b..his Covered up..
hatred in denial of ..
cause by a malfunction..
does not..
Create..Sheila T Jordan

"In Honor of All The Mother's
Posted May 9In Honor of all the mother's
that thought it better to bring in life then to
take a life,
We honor you for the short home you made
for us and ushering us into this world,
In Honor of all the mother's that knew love
was not only a word you say but a thing you do,
sometimes that love held a belt,
sometimes that love held a goodie bag,
sometimes that love goes unappreciated,
we lose sight of the basics, you love us daily,
kick us when we're lazy, show us how much a
day is, you rise early, taught us what neat is,
taught us what's important God's love and anointing,
In honor of all the spiritual mother's who prayed
for our souls, prayed with us to receive the holy ghost,
prayed when most people didn't see a reason to pray
for us, you've been behind us right alongside our
fathers holding us up with strong fortresses of prayers
over the years,
you don't give up, YOU LOVE US, AND WE LOVE YOU,
In Honor of all the Mother's that have been good wives
to their husbands, You have helped keep the family together
up and running, Seems like sometimes husbands have two
mother's the one they're born with and the one they marry,
Mother's you are a good thing to find, and we are honored to
have you, and to belong to you"
Modern Day Celebrity by Selah, Jargon, and Flaso
This is my friend and cooly high
Jersey swingBrotha
Anger management ALERT!!!!!!
ya found out now didn't ya..lololol
lessons learn..titled..stairsteps..repeats the cycle of awareness
don't u agree???..sounding like a true merit in ur own levels of
understanding..speak eazy..but walk with a big stick...
propercana..that was my name ..while logic is the keys to door
left open..saying..ur invited..when I say sooo..AMEN"
Friday, December 10, 2010
One More Educated Black Man
"One More Educated Black ManWe kill our own color,
because we are color blind; not physically, but mentally.
Black is beautiful, too beautiful to be a victim by the same.
They say what you dont know wont hurt you, i say what
you dont know will kill you. Educated yourself,
we have been brainwashed! The Jews dont go killing jews,
what gives us the right to kill each other?
Black people are so smart we lose sight trying to be a copy"
if u were there..
u have the scars to prove it..make sense of the situation..
we will climb , the walls of FrEEDOM..
where democracy defeats one more victim of
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