Thursday, December 23, 2010

DEA History Book, 1975 - 1980

LUCUS IN 1970's
H A R L E M"s
King lord of drug Empire
NOW..In the present..
"DEA By 1979, 26 million Americans were considered regular drug users. DEA Special Agents 1975.....2,135 1980.....1,941 DEA Budget 1975.....$140.9 million 1980.....$206.6 million During this period, drug use in America escalated, and by 1979, 26 million Americans were considered regular drug users. Government policies urged law enforcement organizations to de-emphasize marijuana and cocaine investigations in favor of increased heroin enforcement activities. Because marijuana and cocaine were not considered high priorities for law enforcement agencies, many Americans believed they were free to use both drugs. Consequently, cocaine and marijuana use became widespread throughout the United States."

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