"Reply by sheila Jordan
I say to this country, owners .black..
where property of..continues
to become anyone whose lived ..
died and survived the masses of Slavery.
which in my opinion ..still lives..to this day..
the word Property..stems as
a legency built on legislators turning their backs ..
ur proved hard working
and above all..built this country..
african american..the neglect..never admits.
.but says..through living abandon..
used through labor as abuse..the conduct..
living on land..Indians owned..Black ..
kept out negotiations..
where we had
no words or decision making..
where a mule told us..acres were discovered..
property value..farmers are still
after all these years..proud owners..
help.and yet..the burials spots.where
life once gained recogintion..was
reconstructed..remembered, the slave..I am not
a bit surprised..how Land..
owned ..operated..the crops of freedom..
who sees hard workers in fields..
victims of Neglect in these times we live..2010...
what has been and always will b..
a cry for help..a damn shame this is..
what is to become..farmers w/ work conpensation.
.rights..motions passed...waiting for so long...
God Helps Us all..Create..Sheila"
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