"If former Godfather's Pizza CEO and current GOP presidential
contender Herman Cain is sticking with his claim that President
Barack Obama isn't a 'real black man,'
then he needs a better definition of what he thinks a real black man is.
Because Obama doesn't have to prove he's black to anyone.
Put aside the stereotypes that might offer circumstantial evidence of Obama's blackness:
he played high school hoops, smokes Newports, and pulls only for the White Sox -- never the Cubs.
And dispense with technicalities: Cain can proudly trace
his roots to African-American slaves -- but to pinpoint his own African heritage, all that President Obama really needs is Google maps. What's at issue isn't any one man's definition of blackness.
It's Cain's willingness to play the 'blacker than thou' card to hang onto the spotlight that's already begun fading from his grasp. Doubling down on his claim that liberals are
scared that 'a real black man might run against Barack Obama,' Cain --
who's never held elected office -- tells the New York Times Magazine in this coming Sunday's issue that Obama isn't 'a strong black man that I'm identifying with,' and then chides that 'a real black man is not timid about making the right decisions' before smoothing out his attack with the meaningless caveat that 'If he wants to call himself African-American, fine. I'm not going down this color road.'"
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