Joy n the morning..
starts out w/our children off to school...
1987..the year of many surprises..
smiles, laughter, what's new..
Gathers..the Love shines like a diamond..
she arrives w/ charm, smart..
wise and wonderful..I become time spent..
she rings me, calls me..a new friend, change me
fr/ Sheila..I now pronounce you..SHE SHE..
Introduced by..Peaches..
what resembles a carbon copy of
me..worn..with such Character.
beyond WORDS...where
life holds me.a new beginning narrated..
marinated..like 2 sugar canes on Christmas day..
start what turns out 2b, ..lets go get
something to eat..put my numbers in..
go to the cab stand..Check out..
our buddies on
Rockaway..134st..Lucky Duck's
play her numbers..
what a system she had...Hit. share her winning w/ me
after the children are n school..she
was our plan..walked like a
Business woman..had many restaurants..she owned..
A laundrymat named after her Daughters..
Darlenya & Lil Peaches..
Nikia Known to us now...grown..
my Goddaughter..Where There are
no words to describe
such beauty love of arms..graced my authority..
Peaches nominates me..the honor of being..
n their lives..called me her SIS..as times moves on...
claims no other as ..my blood relations on a regular basis..
Now becomes an memory n LOVE of FRIENDSHIP....
where times took it's toil n God's
Eyesite..we were on a roll..Chancey..
her departed Husband..
would be by her side..but alongside me..lol.
he never denied our friendship..
shared n love..respected what we had..
two woman..laughed , joked always..
One n a million..GOLDEN GIRLS ..the Sequel..
to become Good mother's, Grand to our
family..such an amazing journey..
how incredible life brings ..2
identities...become the plan on a daily basis.
where pain crossed our paths on several occasion..
the :LOve of Anthony..Tamara & Nathan's dad...
my children father..who was Murdered..
she used to enjoy being n our Company at home..
we had a lifetime thats spands the globe, bitterness..
hatred and even people tried by
breaking bond through demon seeds found out,
no friends..Jealousy..the devil's advocate..
But above all things..we were blessed..Gifted..
where God spoke, said..
this 2 shall pass..the eyes of the storm
shall no longer be cast upon
what I do Best..become the armor.
from bitter fruit and sour burdens of
dispair..For I am the Kingdom..
the powers that recieves you..n times of trouble..
My refuge & strength..
the Glory n heaven, what will remain.. golden
moments and faithfullness..
their will be no other like you,
the Earth gravitates ur sense of Humor..
elightens a family unit..
demonstrated what LOVE what all about..
A cuture where Diamonds were not
only the spakle, what glitters..
through paths which spoke..
Follow ur Heart..
the God; Our Lord wears..shall guide
you every step of the way..reach
for a light that SHINES
within still waters that run
deep, but what appreciate who you are..
inside as well as Out..
a smile..what wakes the whole
Universe..never, never..
Forgets...I am Right there beside
YOU, Girlfriend...
And u know thats RIGHT..,,ya here me..
I saw you going up, where the hands of
JESUS met..Where I shed no more..Tears..
but Instead ..Cut off what floods my eyes..
turns over..Rest...the Peace you left me with..
lifted...GOES W/GOD>.amen..
This is my dedication to..
named by me...SISTA..she she..
where you will always be....
until we meet again..
REST, my Golden LADY..
Peace Leads You
H O M E ..
where J E S U S awaits YOU
My GOOD friend..
MY LIFE n NEED Of LOVE has closed..
Sheila T Jordan...
C R E A T E...
your Best Friend 4Ever..
Oct/ 21/1940-Aug/27/2011-
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