Young activism takes root in Harlem - New York Amsterdam News: Black New Yorker:
Victoria Pannell is 12 years old, was born and raised in Harlem
and is just beginning the seventh grade. She is passionate about writing and says,
"I usually choose a moment in history that interests me and rewrite it in the way
I want to." When she isn't writing, she practices martial arts and hangs out with
her friends after school. At first glance, she is just like any other kid her age.
Who would guess that this young girl is an activist? Unlike most others her age,
this girl has a strong and active commitment to her community.
Indeed, only knee-high to a grasshopper, she is the director of the
Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network Youth Division and wants to change
the "no snitching" mantra to one that is more open and helpful to the community.
Pannell's sense of commitment and solidarity with her community
comes naturally as she grew up with the Black activist movement. She said,
"Because my parents are involved in the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network,
I've had the occasion to assist in rallies since I was a child. I had no way to escape being
engaged in an activist movement, but I think it's a good thing."
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