What is Legacy...
of Martin Luther King...
Building on principle, where there are People
who look at our future n leadership, whose prestigous..
angles themselves ..where tranquility,
Honors, respects
your history, leads us to the forefront of times rough,
saves a village losing it's faith, love and Strength
among character..you aims high at the lowest denominator..
gain interest, maintain the powers
worn as life rendered.. Solid
as a Rock..guarantees our Nation, there will be
Changes made..what'sleft upon the millions that
struggles,one takes an outh ofoffice..walks with us, living
the Dream, facing depression,hatred and Poverty..who said..
I live one purpose n life...
where God we trust, our father n Heaven...
where i am the mounaintop emerged..
civil rights leads me to what had it's day of dogs
attacks and Weapons , water sprays..HOT,burning flesh..
where eyes are now..The Prize,
Martin's Legacy renowed journey to see,
The Mountaintop becomes opens on
WASHINGTOND.C Speaks...I thank you
a Nation without...shall remain it's struggle to be..The dream
DISCOVERED...under God's Universe...holding hands,singing..
we shall overcome..Still..GOD BLESS AMERICA...This day
..now and forever...Martin Luther King....Peace!!!!..D=optimistic..:-)..
less of..Demands more...be the people ,
not the days left uncertain, know what it states,
continue what is His DREAM..
Without losing faith...amen...C R E A T E..
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