Wednesday, May 13, 2009


This is the truth ..when it comes down 2 dirt on it's hands.. comes back with guilt in nothing to say...READ The mark of excellence..whats under false pretense..where i waver my sense..altered my state..turn the table of Resistance..what digs deep down in contempt..i ride the steal driving force..what challenges..disrupt..where i come out..the money spent on things i can't TOUCH..taking over my role as a job..u dump on my caliber..strike out the want me to suffer need..a force condemned by the drive 2 dive in2 sorrow.. stole the warmth right from smooth observation..where sight calls me..the light at the end of the tunnel..where i spread my wings.. fly like the wind get outta dodge..sores from a broken heart.. holding back the tears..what thrown life away..while another valuable victim..gets caught..the noose keeps them from loosing sleep..due to what creeps for keeps..where pockets growl and close bed friends howling..another trial and era..the demon lurks among your household..where selfishness..what speaks a loose cannon.. makes himself comfortable 2 your life earnings..what possess the need to feed in2 diabolical plots..cares less for your success inside his world of wealth possessed by your cash..what moves ahead leaves u broke..busted..disgusted with his life..therefore i am nobody.. what lives to escape..takes whats locked..opens the safe..walks away with all your dreams..what dive..hides from playing games of betrayal.. without change 2 spare..saying forgive me..the penniless thief.. i dont get it..what gives everything i want..need from u..wait 4 a confession..I pleased the fifth..don't know what your talking about.. me..please..i's all or nothing...i'm no stranger 2 this family..but u know something about me..the impact of being one in contempt..finds the trader..right in front of you where you will beyond your means..takes what don't belong home...but..on your own..under your own roof..where you get the same thing done 2 u..away from the hand that feeds you..CREATE..ya feel me...possession..SHAYLA(ISIS)

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