Where do i go when you held me against my will..what brings tranquility
when the load carries me over rivers that flow in times of struggle..what
becomes my color..so rich..like a dream to discover while on bended kneel..
i'm afflicted..in raw skin with callouses the size of bone structure what
analyzed my broken heart..wounds from neglect..i am disfigured..tortured..
stole my pride..threaten me by what constitutes no mercy..your wealth
manages me..as it control..the key to living owned..property grounds me
as it's lover..a tool to use my soul 4 vanity..craves..devours..engaged in
sin..where..the dislikes of u had no rights..i lacked as mighty..the strength 2
handle my woman of color..you owned requiem for masses..allowed your skin to
run thangs..labors love..steps in..where hands worked on woman folk..help yourself..gladly..what disapproves u as it's touch..left a color of betrayal
become forcibly waged by the number of millions black sistahs/brothas..where
I'm so tired from being tired..where the strong only survived living in silence..
inside our world with no pardon...disrupted criticism..stripped me from my heritage..ripped me from stamina..vision..hope for my people to increase the knowledge from whence skin showed a generation in ruins..scorned..angered..
turning it's back 2 attack anyone looking down the barrel of a rifle cocked..
i'm the victim of your travesty..what you are to this day..no monarch..but
still my enemy..ignorant..with no respect for black..it's been clarified and verified..the option 2 become what commemorates slavery..constitutes no celebration..in our honor..the boss owns my skin..where protocol will be
reminded of memories down the road..you don't forget..i lived jobs with uncertaincy..said..you owe me..pay up..i got nothing..no money..knew was mine
4 years..none given..the struggle without a need for life..
my chains left me your end 2 justify means..the freedom to bare arms..now
becomes your competition..buy black..ONLY..our life earns it's power..a
check your ass can't cash..but..be victimized unworthy 2 accomidate my earn
income credits me..while being stripped of character..now i become the
BOSS-IN CHARGE..i'm the restoration of generations 2 come..black..talking..
a new world order..what displays the hard times..effort..blood..sweat and tears..where years of being hung mutilated..slaughtered..beat..grieves not..
like a crust of bread with no life fed 4 my people..now lives..where my life breathes..u wear my flesh honorably disrespect who i be..how can anyone stand
so much manipulation..we became our own worst enemy..from being tampered with..mentally as well as physically..what comes as major malfunction..a
behavior which can led anyone through..debt to pay..gets even..turned our
lifestyle against one another..where liberty and justice for all..lacks
discipline defend what don't cost a thing..instead..we battle for power..
turned the hands which becomes our own people..where we disregard ourselves in power..but..we live the memories of change..what was once..time in our history..
the love we made dies ever so often..the call to incorporate family..bring the
past mistakes 2 an end..begin self worth..new..without ever saying slavery still
exist..where we deserve dismissal..gain a future on behalf of color..we never
earned as a people..now we live as recession..no support..what gives..still..no interest earned..a change is coming..blacks are gaining back the respect..where
your eyes looked at color from rose colored glasses..life becomes a sacrifice
founds a way back 2 civilization..what built a world thats crumbling..now sees us..another chance..in the last days ahead..why..in heavens name..does this epic
ass whipping still plays acts of contentment..blind faith by juridiction..the struggle continues..I am worthy 2 recieve u...so break the chains that bind me
and open you heart to becoming FREEDOM..the growth that let our people diminished..left..where years kept me sick..BEYOND RECOVERY..unworthy
to stand on my own 2 feet..you gave us a way to find freedom..you open our
heart to false litegations..we stood by your critical demands..without food 4
thought..instead of educating..when will the love what wears the spirit of
our king..will transform down in our future..i'm so tired of betrayal staring
back at our life..with no closure..what justifies me as it's equal..though i am
a man/woman of the future..love wears a disguise..where u won't let me be..the legend of honor..who i am..all the days of affliction..let me be..let it go..
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