legends appear to be away from sight..God takes those home..who had a vision
to be bless on their journey as entertainers.. the truth is Tupac had a dream
one day he would rise to the occasion a king of many admirers..one of which articulates the lyrics..gave us his life and times as a writer..poet..actor..
all the above..he spanned the globe a genuine prophet..no one knew how close to
God he was..i truly believe from reading his book a Rose That Grew From Concrete
was a way life knew him only as hip-hop..but gave millions love from the heart..
he cared..a lot..the life he knew would surely played in 2 hands dirty..but..drew
no close..If Tupac was alive to this day..nobody can tell me doors were open to
keep his legacy alive..successfully..being replaced with bullets..their was a treacherous act..deliberate..while his mother's past revelations probably brought back the revolution and all it's regime spelling out..retailiation..what was distinct for years 2 become a target with a mighty roar..where these two intelligent brothas was gunned down from words indicating them the end..a badge..artillery wanting brutality..in the hands of the men in blue..they were both too powerful too abrupt in their lyrics as its awareness 2 die..speaking politically loud...invincible strong..adored as the sound of freedom..not gone or forgotten..but..kept alive with written cries.. knows no restitution from keeping the son of a man in the black panther party.. a strong black woman as his mom..where your soul is bound to 2 make this a trifling plot..where they blame you as it's target..payoffs..under the table double cross..all that shit goes hand and hand with serving the peace..protect the innocent..in his case..some body ain't talking..but..justice lives this time it will break the sound of silence convicted..peace... that left no warning..biggie wasn't 2 far behind..the conspiracy lives..the voice meets it's demise..read..where the truth of the living shall rise and fall in2 our streets the uprising has no time or indication there of..where the silent mart er will b unleashed from undercover..all will be shocked..soon..very soon..murder has a name for both our angels..will finally rest in peace..God is waiting..where 2 come together..the sound of what's falls from grace..will reveal faces of cowards..the man in (blue) codes his ethnic rule..such as..shut your damn mouth..quiet or you'll be next..Create ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNTITLED: Please wake me when I'm free, i cannot bare captivity.. where my culture I'm told has no significance..I'll wither and die in ignorance.. but my inner eye can c grace who reigns as king in another place..the green of trees.. were rich and full of every man spoke of beautiful men and woman together as equals war was gone because all was peaceful..but now..like a prisoner of property..please wake me when i cannot bare captivity 4 I would rather b stricken blind than 2 live expression of mind...TUPAC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Did u hear about the Rose that grew from a crack in the concrete..proving natures law wrong..it learned 2 walk without having feet..funny it seems..but by keeping it's dreams..it learned2 breathe fresh air..long live the Rose from concrete..when no one even cared..TUPAC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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