the house of gables..the life of labor..where i see old trees..the
branches I wear planted..i work around the clock..with splitters..sores..
badly beating..while chasing the moon at night..what swelters me hot..
in the day time..where my feet aches..burns from standing all day long..
working my fingers to the bone..i know I'm worthy 2 receive a better
lifestyle..the possibilities of becoming a brand new state of the union..
addressed by OBAMA..SHOWS MY PRODUCTIVITY..left ..no talk..left 2 obey
what was just a miserable life..scorned..with time for no man..building
my home..what ables me to use what belongs mines..but u criticize.. your
evil 2 attack..2 form mass confusion..where white be the Capital..what left
me thinking..will there ever be a tomorrow in the WHITE HOUSE..the likes
of living a mark on government soil..but for now..I transpired..look at the
brutality embarked..as a lifeless tree..whats built..on the masters land..
excuse me..what i build..instead..i'm the broken down dirt..what's given as
our white house..shaby..a cabin with no pride or liberties as it's jungle
fever..what i was worth to bridge the gap between me as skin..united by his
company..i be separate from normality..a choice..decides where i sleep..live..
rest my head..where I'm no poster child.. what reads help in need..I'm nowhere
u want me 2 be..as Capitol..the tree of life disowns what is bodily.. da labor..
broke..where u can see..whats obviously unclaimed..piece of work..left on the
bargaining table..the house of Gables..where a farm house becomes shelter..
whats broken down..like our brothas and sistahs..what I be the one unidentified branches keeling over 2 die..no interest..2 invite approval..as it's white house..changed..OBAMA..dethrones the wicked system..I'm now many rooms with the floor leveled 2 stand proud among principles..never looking back..the topic was
a house..in times of struggle..blames no man 4 retrospect..the times invested on
our thrown..has now become..color codes..where the two votes..made your minds up..and..here we are 2009..a house that wears both legs to stand on..not gone
with the wind..where GABLE..stood up..packed..left it all for OUR CHANGE IN
OFFICE..44TH CELEBRATION..to b recognized down in history..THE TIMES WE LIVED IN RUINS..to shape the globe of pasting freedom..through opportunity..Name the united states of America..a clause..in need 2 finalize what is..no white house as it's split decision..Whats was old and delapedated..Gable is now..a future left up 2 you..Peace..CREATE
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