"We are new...New to explore and become old together, We are separated...Separated to meet in the middle and find each other and quench the loneliness. We are afraid...Afraid of our past and hoping the unique love we grow will chase the ghosts away. We are hopeful....Hopeful that this is more than just a ship that will pass in the night. We are you and me...Just wanting to be accepted, respected, no more neglected... We are...the decisions makers of our futures' success..Let us take the time and get it right...So, the New can become old together... LIFE IS LIVED IN THE PRESENT, YESTERDAY IS GONE, TOMORROW IS YET TO BE, TODAY IS THE MIRACLE. SEIZE EVERYDAY AS AN ADVENTURE AND YOUR SPIRIT WILL SOAR WHEN YOU DISCOVER THE WONDERFUL SURPRISES LIFE HAS TO OFFER. HE WHO LIVES IN HARMONY WITH HIMSELF, LIVES IN HARMONY WITH THE WORLD..... Of all the friends I've ever met, You're the one I won't forget. And if I die Before you do I'll go to heaven And wait for you I'll give the angels Back their wings And risk the loss Of everything Just to prove My friendship is true I'm thankful to have Family and Friends like you! ....Like GOD says when He come back will I find faithfulness on the earth .The only people you need i n your life are the ones that prove they need you in theirs BEAUTY IS THE LOOK THAT YOUR WORDS GIVES MY EYES..... MUSIC IS THE SOUND THAT YOUR WORDS HAVE GIVEN MY EARS..... AND SOFTNESS IS WHAT I FELT WHEN YOUR WORDS RAN ACROSS MY LIPS...... BUT YOUR SONG 'I REMEMBER YOUR EYES' HAS ME WISHING I THAT I HAD SOMEONE SPECIAL, JUST LOOK AGAIN INTO MY EYES AND SEE OUR FUTURE"...
DEDICATED 2..U..this I got off of a bp website..somewhere out there..Hope u ENJOY..Create
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