his heart..sees the soul
invents a spark..
what builds the fortress..
becomes a mark..he gathers love
from whence touch starts...
release your soul from pettiness and sin..
he draws attention to your sense of whim..
sinks deep inside your body parts..
where the future has been grim..
where limbs have been torn ..where eyes
greets 2 meet the storm of sadness..
grief..pain..towering passion..
what knows feeling..
what stands in front of meaning
becomes years proceeding...
all or nothing..waits in time of keeping...
LO V E..
wholesome as it's cheating..escapes..
once more..runs..hides his true feelings
where ever u go..he's thinking..whatever u do..
he's scheming..although life..words reveal
no believing..just..
a summer's day and the warmth of chillin..
where the sea took u..as it's meaning...
cast what initiates rules 2 follow...sworn
by God..as your mate..
Losing ..what has been ..eternally written..
A document leaving u with..
what came Today..goes tomorrow...
spoken..WORDS..a SONG worn...cries ..
the melody..forever young..her vintage scorn..
a match made in heaven..
the gospel of..
Poetry...finis..means through..
Sheila T Jordan
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