Thursday, April 17, 2008

Power 2 the People

You touched my heart... being... i too was a panther in da days... u didn't know this until now...power 2 da people.. my brothers..this liberation takes me bac to wearing my hair in an afro... keeping strong... wearing fist around da neck...slogans..ralleys rules to love with huey.. the organization in NY was so violent..getting thrown 2 da ground..fighting police brutality..taking control of blackness sure guarantees justice..where pigs unification kept us the same token..our king huey maintained power up until his life was taken in...knowingly...through anything which forms da truth... where...we as african americans..had 2 be hosed...animal attacks..(DOGS) what signifies the battle cry..whether it..b...huey...malcolm...mlk.. medgar ever...or this poor 14 yr old emmitt till... earths soil from God's land restores life through history... my brother Huey had so much to bring to our all of our lost generation of panthers takes them out..where orginizations are forming..Again..with a new ain't OVER..til it's over and done with...standing on sunshine..overlooking out..powers..the struggle lives fist is what carries my struggle..i wear it with pride... now u know.. a woman of many name was isis then... pharoah's husband... married april 5..74 your birth year.. my cypher. Power to the People