Sunday, August 30, 2009


What colors me fine ..u can't see me..the choice..what becomes
a i try hard enough to fit in with my comparisons..trying to find
a way where your flesh tones itself...looks like flourescence has challenged
me ..the flaws which unables me your quality and poise..and character to
represents..the shallow hiding underneath..the flesh on skin shows
a definition..wearing your eyes..blinded in decisions made..closed the doors
of victims without a face..u can't relate..the outer limits.. what
clear access to evaluate..shouldn't be, though the dust which transforms ..
shows you the pots calling me...the life that I am.. complicated for some, don't
understand what is right in front of careless denial and tired bewildered mellow
dramatic chaos..not excepting ..but knowing..was must be your own beliefs
determines..the battles wears no scars.but indangers by
in mind ..all mixed up with a bunch of nuts...fruits and berries...still comes
out a rainbow coalition..Jessie tried to convince us years ago..the pot is melting..
the eyes have nothing left to remain disable for consumption, I hide my head
in shame.. without knowing why>#:^?....who am appears u have
all the answers..I gave up...trying 2 qualify me..what cannot see..a choice..of
hatred or prejudice..I'm human... PEACE...Create..Sheila

Friday, August 28, 2009


GOD.. I have come to the conclusion..there is no substance of matters left
undone..ur always leaving us with thoughts on mishaps..stumbling
blocks..symptoms of illregular discomfort..what cuts like a knife..
what punctures the heart a slice of wisdom.. getting it out and shouting
to the roof top..why does the memories show itself, what continues to
never let go..reminds me..the needles..with it's long stem to prick off the
slightest bit of vision..which forms itself before me..aches like hell..the
slippery when wet snake..conjours up space to settle on a piece of flesh..
where eyes remain the same vision allowed...repeats over and
the picture on a website..reveals guilt..where love grows within a family
unit..creeps where it's not wanted..thought it was all over..thought I was
free from manipulation..rears it's ugly ass from the must be
sending a message..what can't let go ..messin with my head..who lives a
spinal cord close relationships that loves me to death..his family..
picturing the fire at will.. but wears no ammunition to end it all..become
final...without an ounce of care..or forgiveness..this is when u come in God
the flashbacks..the outragious fortune..the touch of what never have
permission in the first place..still lives..walks the earth..smiling in family
portraits like he's got his own way wearin my another room..away
from me..looking in the wrong territory..but was in close range of the situation..
while present company was the verge of being locked up themselves..murder..
the towering force what lives inside ..what ain't over...wants to take a life..
forgive me..Lord..but..if I 'm to forgive from transgressions and turn the cheek
of the slayer..then God..who will ever come to my defense the trials are still
pending ..alife who hovers over mine..staring in the eyes of on lookers..knows
the truth..a family we call..blood relative...that belongs to him..a love so tight..
we wear the clothes off one another's backs..called me mom II..the desire 2
live as one circle I hearts grew older..the friendships on fb is exposed..
what I must put killing my spinal cord..the chills's wars I
the mutant..Ninja Turtle''wanna kick's like before..when the Cops had to
get a hold of me..from stomping that common piece of horse manuer piece of shit..wearing..what Don't give anyrights whatsoever..I suffer while living..thoughts.
fuckingmy my skin with family pressed against disrespect..took over
my life...playing house..keeping secrets...I'm sick..had to get it out..frustrated once
again,God..I ask the Question...why..Why?..I want 2 b loved ..can't.. silence.."pause"
... :{.. CRYING inside..Celibate..thinking about the emotional reaction..
I lay down no more..nomore with joy inside myself..still gotta hold on being unjustifide...after all these years sets me free...instead i lay my head down..being ask to relax..I'll take care of your so may times in the pass..God..PLEASEEEEE..suddenly wants the touch u can trust..HOW..when it happened to me..Create..///*_*\\\God Bless..
Sheila T Jordan

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Meaning of Roses/ VIRGO''23..Create

The Meaning of Roses: "Combinations of roses can also show different feelings and emotions. Red and White - Unity Red and Yellow - Jovial happiness Pink and White - Forever love Orange and Yellow - Passionate thoughts Pale colors - Sociability and friendship"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Though I walk millions of the world over..with a smile..been held,
caressed through the lonely hours..carried a torch for so many fathers..mothers..
grand..with no support or baring in times of complex agony..where the tears carried
me on my trial..wearing buckets..pails with arms full of tears..unhappiness..what
appeared to be my lifeform of pain and passing me by..when all was lost..and I die,
unworthy of curtiousy.. shaking hands..a tender kiss..a
warm hug and embrace..THOUGH, I smile through out my unbelievable pain..the
gift of giving flowers..what graced my table..what pronounced u man and wife..after
a wedding ceremony..given..from being single and in love..mating the concept holding
on to forever, while the raindrops runs it's pendals down your cheeks..getting caught
in a shower of passion..attempts to steal that moment..when your heart gaveway 2..the
open arms of a bouquet in bloom..where I became Rose..found when a face worn with
no made sense...once and 4 all..I am color..a spectrum of God'...Creation..
Earth's child..VIRGO..23

The Meaning of Roses

The Meaning of Roses: "White - Purity Colors range from pure white to creams to very light pinks. Varieties include Eskimo, Bianca, Akito, and Vendella. White roses are given to those who are innocent, reverent, and pure. They are very commonly used in weddings. They can also be given as a sign of secrecy. A white rosebud is used to show girhood. A white rose that has been dried means 'Death is Preferable to Loss of Virtue'. A whithered white rose represents fleeting beauty, or given to show that no impression was made."

The Meaning of Roses

The Meaning of Roses: "Lavender - Enchantment Varities include Allure, Bluebird, Blue Curosia, and Stranger. Lavender roses show that you have fallen in love with someone from the moment you saw them. It also can be given to those who you feel are very unique, and those who you feel are enchanting."

The Meaning of Roses

The Meaning of Roses: "Yellow - Friendship Colors range from light yellow to golden. Varieties include Gold Strike, Skyline, Judy and Aalsmeer Gold. Yellow roses express joy, gladness, and friendship. They are given to new mothers, newlyweds, and graduates. They're also used as a reminder to a loved one to show that you care. In the past yellow was used to show jealousy and a decrease of love."

The Meaning of Roses

The Meaning of Roses: "Orange - Desire Colors range from bright orange to coral. Varities include Tropical Amazon, Marlyse, and Sari. Orange roses are given to those who you desire, those you want to get to know better, or those who you are proud of."

The Meaning of Roses

The Meaning of Roses: "Pink - Gratitude Colors range from light pink to peach to darker pink. Varieties include Ana, Livia, Pink Titanic, Rossini, Orlando and Attaché. Pink roses in general are given to those whom you want to show thankfulness, admiration, and happiness. The different shades of pink can have more precise meanings. Deep pink is used for appreciation and gratitude, where as light pink conveys admiration and sympathy, and peach roses are given to show modesty."

The Meaning of Roses

The Meaning of Roses: "Red - Love Colors range from bright red to deep burgundy. Varieties include Charlotte, Forever Young, Classy, and Rouge Baiser. Red roses are given to those who you want to show love and passion, people who you have great respect for, and those who have shown great courage. The quantity can also have a special meaning. A single red rose shows love, a dozen shows gratitude, twenty-five shows congratulations and fifty show unconditional love. Two red roses tied together symbolizes an engagement. The shade of the red has a meaning as well. Bright red means love, burgundy means unconsious love, dark crimson is used to show mourning. A withered red rose is used to show that the love is over. A red rosebud symbolizes youthful love and beauty."

Wise Ones

Wise Ones: "I have kleptomania, but when it gets bad, I take something for it."

Wise Ones

Wise Ones: "The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment."

Wise Ones

Wise Ones: "Not afraid of heights - afraid of widths"

John Rosenthal: Regarding Manhattan

John Rosenthal: Regarding Manhattan: "'Every song of lament is simultaneously a song of praise; we only mourn the passing of things we cherish. And what the images of Regarding Manhattan teach us how to cherish is the overwhelming, sometimes dangerous, yet always enlivening disorder and multiplicity of pleasure, ambition, and desire embedded in this most American of cities.' -Alan Shapiro, from the Introduction"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

OPINION: Are White People Smarter than Black People? | NewsOne

OPINION: Are White People Smarter than Black People? NewsOne: "OPINION: Are White People Smarter than Black People? By RK Byers August 20, 2009 5:07 am"


Yahoo!: "Senator Edward Kennedy dies at 77 The last surviving Kennedy brother was one of the most influential senators in history. His remarkable life" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I walk the last strength of brotherhood..a man who learned it is ok to become my brother's keeper.. a family with many vets and then some the roman catholic oaths to Irish patriotism..the green mountains speaks ..he is with his namesake, John ,Robert and senior authority in charge of the fort, Dad Joseph..he is love..he suffered so much..his heart was above all..the struggle of political aftermaths and downhill states of medical midhaps.. he stood tall ..helping anyone with educational causes..we will miss u very much.. I loved u and your family just like mine..THE lord be with u the name of Jesus..amen

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Stephen King quote: The scariest moment in writing is just before you start....

"The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going. - Ralph Waldo Emerson"

Art is never finished, only abandoned.

Art is never finished, only abandoned.. >leonardo Devinci I gave u a room..a room with tables and chairs with..lines and scripts..with elements of structure..touring the fountain of myths..fiction..folklore..drama.. satire..mystery thoughts of art..the eyes of march..the love story...the exorcist.. the fire at will the stage ..with it's arms reaching out..embrace your soul..with essence of African musk oil..the primary aspects..we call..the act enters.. laughs..drops on yo' kneels..forgives..cries..portrays the antidote for criminally insane..the asinine victims..what delivers..high voltage energy rings around the circumference..the circle of life..the strength it took to stand at position bow down and smile..a beauty to be hold..a figure once drilled..the judges makes it's decision.. discovers a got it going on..lines..figures...measurements .. fully packed..spoken..written and with graphics contrast individuality.. something no woman can resist..what lies under the work u become..reality... mines for justawhile in skin and above talents produced..MUAH..the grillin is still cooking.and i'm the one u serve...Potpourri..a sense of smell..what pictures us.. the bouquet..the love is an artist..portrait..actress.or actor..writer..all three..thats a catch..i want..pretending..what could be..a wonderful life...Create - StumbleUpon - StumbleUpon: " freakyross rated 37 hours ago Happy Day of Creation.....23......Holla Tags: photography" U ARE A MESS ..nobody could ever come up with a idea like this Lannie.. thank you babaydoll..ur my badass..that i want one day..ur my friend..i wanna cherish and built mind exstensions together..ur my thoughts ..from a distance..with an urge to kiss..thank u so betta drooling lips from eating ur..***..damn..this never happen to me from any man b4.. I love u so much..adore ur style..your got what I dig..gotta be gonna the best for help me..I got plenty of gifts ..that u..but when it's a smile who remembers that shit is worth more bundles..with a price tags..u blew me outta the wood soljah..a The G..STANDS FOR..IN MY BOOK..POETRY,,PERSONAFIDE,,GENT..U MADE ME SO HAPPY..SHOCKED..MORE LIKE i want u..Always..thank your Creation..

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Quotes: There Are Hundreds Of Paths Up The Mountain

Quotes: There Are Hundreds Of Paths Up The Mountain: "There Are Hundreds Of Paths Up The Mountain There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading in the same direction, so it doesn't matter which path you take. The only one wasting time is the one who runs around and around the mountain, telling everyone that his or her path is wrong. Hindu teaching"...(wishful thinking)...ENGLISH TRANSLATION

SPANKED..the ass 2 kiss

I spank the rod and spoil that ass..the man with so much pizazz
once he starts 2 smile and dance.. he looks into the camera
winks and says, I'm a hard man to crumble..when I know I got
the floor and your step is under suspicion of my approach I
beat the performance by..tipping my hat..challenge your strut..
calling me ..a woman's touch censored ..the heart..where
I fell in2 my spoken words pronounced...dick; come GET me...
I'm the male figure in your of many from behind closed
doors.. gone every once and awhile..the fugitive..on the run..
against what tries to catch me in my own game of
the ultimate..standby..time out..what did Ihear ya say..again..LOVE..
no doubt..this is a night where I stepped on too many..for so many..
2 be some body's maybe..for no apparent reason whatsoever..
a song sung 4 who got what's preferred..
taking..spoken 4...NOBODY GOT NOTHING ON ME..NOTHING..
except..whose next in line...the foot..I use to 2 dance my last dance
with Donna..SUMMER'S over..they'll be others wanting ..I take the
fifth and call it your shout..u decide...Create..Sheila T Jordan

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Back in the days of steam ships, only rich white people sailed at sea. One day while sailing, something suddenly happened to the ship. It was about to sink. Terrified, the white folks aboard didn't know what to do. Someone suggested that they do what the Negroes did.. "Pray". Unfortunately, no one knew what to say. So they called "Tho mas", a black cook on the ship and asked him to pray. Thomas agreed, came up on deck, removed his cap and began like this: "LAWD one day I wuz hongray, I went to a restrant to git me sumpin' to eat!.. An da sign said: 'FOR WHITE FOLKS ONLY.' Den, I went to da water fountin to git me some wauter an da sign said: 'FOR WHITE FOLKS ONLY..' Den Lawd, I went to de toilet room and da sign said: 'FOR WHITE FOLKS ONLY'. So Lawd Almitee...when dis here big 'ol boat sanks.. let it be: 'FOR WHITE FOLKS ONLY.' In yo name I pray, Amen

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


TAKE A NOTE;..Mr President Obama<2>Mr.Glenn Beck..FOX NEWS..

Infancy..ur the beauty to arrive mortality.where your dreams become reality

what make an entrance..what becomes years before negotiations.. 2 protect

and serve issues..the white washing of hands.. fit 2 shake..a Nubian phase

and clairvoyant commends.. oppressed..beneath his origin..a face other than

black..where the sugar cane plantations and watermelon..cotton pickin

trademarks of depression..what initiated the Emancipation LINCOLN..

what opens up with a humble heart and written proclamation..the words..

we slave no more..breaks the darkness..2 verse the cause..I am the Infancy born

2 reconcile old times..shows the present..a mother and father of my breed..named

biracial tone..compared to some..i'm no guarantees..where Nigeria made us one..

the irony of decision.. the mockery of flesh meeting me halfway..while the other

still color codes my existence.. a face painted..the Joker..played..a puppet on a string

mentioned in the media..the pale face..the educated Harvard Grad..the Columbia

University major..AFRICAN blood..past down through generations..our legacy..

invented strong arms..steel driving male figures..lifts his anvil..commence 2 b the

force.. medal tracks the road crossing..I built..leads us to victory.. i become a man

u tribute..his of Infancy growth..what builds your land..your crops..

your interest as's creation..keeping us in line from tongues

beaten off..with no rights 2 pronounce myself proud..our prayers are answered..

a master plan.. but Born's me slave,before I am known..a king strong..bold remains

the bars held in contempt..still as your President..pleads to be free..holds Obama..

as racism himself.. your Capital white house elect.. yet u don't stop blaming..

what contradicts stereotypes.. the likes of patriotism down in history..what saw a

right and wronged it..try to help a hand..but turns it's back..what killed freedom..

wearing a tall hat..signing a peace treaty. change the face of colorlines and unity.

but majority had other things in mind.. John Wills Boothe..The assassinate..

relative of Glenn Beck..talking from his telepropter himself..dreams our people jeopardized..

becomes the culprit in the media..THE PROPAGANDA comes your way..

ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S SIGNs..What never came today or otherwise..freedom 2

walk away...A legend takes a step back...forwards his past..OUR skins calling it a truce...

No matter what it takes..white inside black..or visa.versa..the call to keep confusion matter the caused 2 effect..slavery finds u guilty ..the penalties for

hypocritical oaths..being blackballed by this asshole..racist himself..another

way of saying ..get my black ignorant..undeucated..out..what got me

degrees of liberal magnitudes and hired someone with a beer binging ..makes

mistakes just like any human being.. his ethics are a disgrace to all white people ..

I wear as my trademark of my equal of sorts.. Democrat..your

ENEMY..what changes everything throw me outta the white house..

OVER MY BLACK BODY...whatcha gonna like me...i think not..can't..

I am what u wanna be...President..thats spot is already taking..

yours truly..Barack Obama..have a nice day...Create...u know


MY THOUGHTS... The nature of what occurs,has it's terms of listening,observing..flava..the taste of words and it's theory to plug in what's ready for your audience interest. keep the faith..doing is the key to writing in full circle and not backing out..saying..that's the breaks..become a wreck with no mind left to meditate thought..don't stop.. Create.sheila T Jordan.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a poet and writer of such..whats grabs u up and shakes the inner spectrum of life..becomes the relaxed state of mind,what bed of comfort souls embrace to knowledge ones escape..find the words to say and the end to measure what makes sense..baffles some,but gets even with the skeptics..what shakes the barrier sound and vibrates your form..the charm of love one moment to the roar of monarchs.. the kings and Queens of hip-hop..and if i rubbed you a lil informative and chase your dreams of poetry inside what becomes ordinary..why lyrics finds it way to your heart and soul..what bares your love and makes it worth the wait in times missed..DESIRE..a kiss goodnite..writes..happily ever after..take a bow..Creativity..Ms Sheila T Jordan

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hudson River Park, 2009 Summer Events, NYC - New York City

Hudson River Park, 2009 Summer Events, NYC - New York City: "Blues Barbecue Fest Sunday, August 23 from 2:00 - 9:00 pm Awesome Blues + the City’s Best BBQ. HUDSON RIVER PARK’S PIER 54 14th Street and the Hudson River – Meatpacking District This year’s Annual Blues Festival promises to be better than ever featuring the hottest blues artists. While you enjoy the music amazing local BBQ restaurants will sell their specialties. Enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of this premier Hudson River Park event. Note: When this annual item first began there WERE fireworks...unfortunately that's stopped in the past year or so. Let's see what happens this year? MoonDance At Pier 54 on Sundays 14th Street and the Hudson River – Meatpacking District" this is where I'll will be celebrating my birthday for anyone who will be in around THE AREA on this day.. come and enjoy my BORN IDENTITY...IT WILL BE A BLAST... meet and greet..have a good time..hope to see you there PEACE..CREATE..SHEILA T.JORDAN

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Beloved.. now we know that we know nothing now that our bright and shining star slip away from our A Puff of summer wind. without notice our dear love can escape doting embrace to sing our songs among the stars and walk our dances across the face of the moon in the instant that we learn that Michael is gone,we know nothing no checks can tell our time and no oceans can rush our tides..with the abrupt absence of our treasures.. though we are many,each of us are we are achingly alone..piercingly alone only when we confess our Confusion can we remember that he was a gift to us,,and we did have him.. he came to us from the creator..trailing creativity in abundance..despite the anguish of life..he was shearted in mother's love and family love and survived and did more than that..he thrived with passion, humor style.. we had him..whether we knew who he was or did not know..he was ours and we were his we had him.. beautiful..delightful our eyes.he raked his hat..a slant over..his brow and took a pose on his toes.. all for us and we laughed and stomped our feet for him we were inchained with his passion.. because he held nothing..gave us all he been given Tokyo..beneath the Eiffel tower,in Ghana's Black Star Johannasburg and Pittsburg in Birmingham..Alabama and Birminghan England..we are missing Michael Jackson..but we do know we have him and we- are the world..
"“It is God himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago he planned that we should spend these lives in helping others” (Ephesians 2:10 LB)."

LIFE: War And Conflict-Civil War - Hosted by Google

LIFE: War And Conflict-Civil War - Hosted by Google: "Buy framed image War And Conflict-Civil War Portrait of Taylor, a black drummer boy, 78th Regiment, US Colored Infantry, during Civil War. Location:US Date taken:1861 Size:758 x 1280 pixels (10.5 x 17.8 inches) Related images:More Search LIFE Images: Labels:Taylor, Army, 78Th Regiment, Wars, Armed Forces Personnel, Us Civil, Music, Units, African American, Children, Us Armed Forces, 1860sView full size"

Friday, August 14, 2009


The class was in session,I grabbed a hold of my ElProducto..I commence to blow.. with a mellow flow..I lie Low in complete control..the smoke carries me through make believe..a village with time on it's hands,where I drift..into tunnel vision..the room starts to spin..light years away from what starts to make itself the habit I know nothing about..the water starts turning to wine..the taste has no flavor or guarantees..whats spinning outta yo'mind.. bottle tops and groups of ex head baggers..performs the hill street blues theme song..while i forget my name..rank and serial number to dutch..2 master..sons and daughter alike..where theres more than that came from..where we get lifted..where I fly..sore like a bird in the sky..sniffing what takes another hit..kicks I become the lace for crack parties..dancing to your body feeds's get with the program.. taking that hit..completing that urge..what attempts splifts 2 repeat..what knows ain't what makes believe..I get right along on a case and point..the victim..whose wrong and release a cig instead of a mind being fried..scrambled..served in times of trouble..I know not what i'm doing...but know what i'm I forgiven or does the hit still play 33/3rd..the sound of music backwards..satanic boost..telling..the feels good..more than a reason 2 clean what's sober..a head of it's fore it's over..b laced..blow it all away..WOOLEY thanks..I QUIT..CREATE

The Open Scroll: Poetry Exchange

The Open Scroll: Poetry Exchange: "Significant Confusion Am I insane or think too much? Is that why fairytales are so hard to touch? How do you know if you have your prince? Did we just meet by coincidence? Am I going too fast? Should I slow down? I can't trust a soul in this whole damn town. Why do I feel like I am so hated? Do I try too hard just to be alienated? Where do I fit in this life? Am I supposed to be someone's wife? What happened to being a kid, when it didn't matter what I said or did? I haven't felt right ever since... What should I do to fix this chemical imbalance? Skyhigh"

Sheila Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sheila Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Sheila Jordan From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Sheila Jordan (born Sheila Jeanette Dawson on November 18, 1928 in Detroit, Michigan[1]) is an American Jazz singer and songwriter. Her mainstream success has been somewhat limited, but Jordan's music has earned praise from many critics, particularly for her ability to improvise entire lyrics; Scott Yanow describes her as '[o]ne of the most consistently creative of all jazz singers.'[2]"

Thursday, August 13, 2009


"August 13, 2009 Developing Long-Term Relationships by Rick Warren “Some friendships do not last, but some friends are more loyal than brothers” (Proverbs 18:24 TEV). The Bible gives us six building blocks for developing long-term relationships: 1. We must be considerate. “People want others to be loyal, so it is better to be poor than to be a liar” (Proverbs 19:22 NCV). 2. We must be confidential. “No one who gossips can be trusted with a secret, but you can put confidence in someone who is trustworthy” (Proverbs 11:13 TEV). 3. We must be candid. “An honest answer is a sign of true friendship” (Proverbs 24:26 TEV). 4. We must be constructive. “People learn from one another, just as iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17 TEV). 5. We must be consistent. “Friends always show their love. What are relatives for if not to share trouble?” (Proverbs 17:17 TEV). 6. We must be committed. “Some friendships do not last, but some friends are more loyal than brothers” (Proverbs 18:24 TEV)." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THOUGHT: MINES>lIFE..has a way to enter..what time measures, and with every passing day,we grow smarter..wiser..interventing faith,whats congregations..worships..touches one another's heart..the quest 2b fullfilled.. the family..where our Journey becomes united..where I am the wisdom to KNOW the truth..Practice what is preached..a child of God..merciful..Peace...Create

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

2009 Jazz Fest Tile Coaster > Big Apple Jazz, Harlem, USA

2009 Jazz Fest Tile Coaster > Big Apple Jazz, Harlem, USA: "Big Apple Jazz, Harlem, USA Big Apple Jazz, Harlem, USA : 2009 Jazz Fest Tile Coaster View Larger 2009 Jazz Fest Tile Coaster 1st Annual Underground Big Apple Jazz Fest Clubs $8.99 Qty: Availability: In Stock. Product Number: 030-45969300 Tell a friend about this product!Product Information Liven up any room or party with our fun, hip tile coasters, measuring 4.25” x 4.25” and 1/6-inch thick. Images are applied with a polyester resin that accepts dye as part of the coating. Four felt pads protect your furniture from scratches. Dishwasher safe. Not for use with abrasive cups and mugs. Browse more products: NYC Jazz Clubs Women's Long Sleeve Dark T-Shirt 1st Annual Underground Big Apple Jazz Fest 2009 Jazz is Everywhere in NYC Mug No. 1 Underground Big Apple Jazz Fest 2009 T select oneApparel-Boxers-Dark T-Golf T-Jr. Raglan-Jr. Tank-Jr.Jersey-T-Light T-Long Sleeve-Organic T-Ringer T-Sleeveless T-Sweatshirt-Value T-White TBaby-Bib-Infant Bodysuit-Infant T-Kids Light THousewares-Clock-Framed Tile-Keepsake Box-Large Mug-Mousepad-Mug-TileHats & Bags-Cap-Msgr Bag-ToteGoodies-2.25' Btn 100pk-2.25' Button-Magnet-Magnet (10)-Sticker Bmpr-Sticker Oval-Sticker RectCards/Prints-G-Cards-10-Journal-Postcards"

What a wonderful world -- Louis Armstrong

What a wonderful world -- Louis Armstrong

field negro: Sorry Negro, you look like just another drug dealer to me.

field negro: Sorry Negro, you look like just another drug dealer to me.: "'That house negro loved his master. But that field negro, remember, they were in the majority, and they hated their master. When the house caught on fire, he didn't try to put it out, that field negro prayed for a wind. For a breeze. When the master got sick, the field negro prayed that he die'd. If someone come to the field negro and said 'Let's separate, let's run.' He didn't say 'Where we going?' he said 'Any place is better than here'. We got field negros in America today. I'm a field negro. The masses are the field negros. When they see this mans house on fire, we don't hear these little negros talkin bout 'Our Government is in trouble. They say thee Government is in trouble.' Imagine a negro, 'Our Government'. ~~Malcolm X~~ 'I had no idea, for example, of the extent of the African-American blogging world out there and its collective powers of dissemination.But now, after reading thousands of anguished, thoughtful comments posted on these blogs reflecting on issues of persistent racial discrimination in the nation's schools and courtrooms, what's clear to me is that there's a new, 'virtual' civil rights movement out there on the Internet that can reach more people in a few hours than all the protest marches, sit-ins and boycotts of the 1950s and 60s put together.' ~Chicago Tribune Reporter, Howard Witt~" the man who owes this work..has a blog i been keeping up with him for a while now, he's awesome...the philly brotha ain't no joke

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


"Okay Fam, here's some pictures of time spent with my cuz in Fresno... We had just eaten at the Imperial Garden... Mmmmm, very delicious... now we will all hit the road... I go north SF Bay Area, Tiki and Ian go south to L.A after taking Charmaine's son back home (don't know spelling of his name). We both will be driving for approximately 3.5 hours to our perspective destinations. BTW, Charmaine was an awesome hostess to all... Thanks Charmaine, we had a great time! Grace and Peace, Cheryl D" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks so much Cheryl for the pics..I wish I was there..had another engagement.. handling the fort..back here in The big Apple..Gotta give love elsewhere..needs me more..Mother..God Bless..LOVEYA..glad you got to spend time again with Tiki and Ian..the kids..:) Hope you enjoyed MY FAMILY PORTRAITs..PEACE..Create@##*_*##@..MUAH!!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Facebook | Sheila Jordan

Facebook | Sheila Jordan: theres hope left for a poet...I have found in this fb ..the groups that incorporate what can become the method to making dreams come true,within the months I have discovered a group called..LOST POETS..It's been a journey to discover..with low interest...this comes 2 me as a shame..Groups organize,take part in...encourages the mind to travel through it's existence..Observing..becomes introduction read..a voice in speak"..for God's "Class in session" words like notes 2 a manuscript..whats productive..makes room for more..the added touch..meeting it's masterpiece..The mic..what clings..holds on 2..PoetS> lost..SHEILA..Create

Facebook | Bethsheba A. Rem's Photos - Soul Food Poetry Slam! 9/6/09

Facebook | Bethsheba A. Rem's Photos - Soul Food Poetry Slam! 9/6/09

African-American Photographs (Portraits & Snapshots)

African-American Photographs (Portraits & Snapshots)


"August 10, 2009 Being Positive in Spite of Your Problems by Rick Warren “Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way” (James 1:2–4 MSG)."
Comedian/ Satirist Shang Signs Deal with CodeBlack Entertainment Codeblack Deal with Shang to Include Distribution and Digital Rights to Comedic Material “Edgy, Political and Extremely Funny”- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is truly good news..SHANG FORBES is a very vibrant fresh glass of water..with a touch of giggle juice..what he does as a comedian is unsurpassed by his many admirers as well as the life of a political master mind..not holding back one word of ghetto controversy..bringing up the rear of a great comedian, man..hustler,hard working determination ..the key to survival..Congradulations are in that code black has signed him to be in charge of the distribution of sales of his DVDs and CD..definitely a new concept to bring to the many works he has offered to the black commuunity and for a true pioneer in his own right..he won my heart on June 22 of 2008 when I had the opportunity to make my poetry announcement from Shang at.. THE COMIX downtown Mahattan on a beautiful friday night..I had the opportunity to meet and b greeted by this gentlemen..I was surprise to find..he kept it real..spoke like a brotha with a plan..politically outspoken and not afraid to speak his mind...he told me to be calm..look straight out 2 space..leave the people out in space and keep the focus on the sound around you..if u gotta close yourself off from the crowd.. do it while the room is still listening..thats when u know.. your making contact with yourself expression an if they lose your train of thought..carry a sling shot..aim at the target..commence to fire at their ass..ask them to stepoutside..then's time for me to go on...lolo..funny guy had to honor the man I adore..a fan for many years and now a dear and devoted friend of mine, NYC own BROTHA..Brooklyn in da house..holla..CONGRADULATIONS AGAIN>!!!!!!!!!!!! SHANG...LOVEYABROTHA..SEEYA SOON..Create..Sheila T Jordan..

Sunday, August 9, 2009


U start off by the cock..sets the trigger..proceed to at your life..the sound of loading..the means to let you's a very serious thang going on..when violence becomes a G type flow..being blown away..with hidden identity,baggy jeans..sloped down with a hoodie type style..a bop like walk..the Gang land swings..with arms reaching out 2 hug...bangin chest..shakes hands to represent..while..on pursuit to capture..the victim..the streets of ghetto heaven..the sounds of bloodshed..what beats down the system..prepares you for the run of your life, with ammunition..ebonic speech and a 4 letter word thrown at ya.. never stop hearing..the G man..who wrecks the effects of living king..what don't wannbe..but wants u 2 know how you gonna make it out in the long run..becomes the attack..acting like turf is a name u last infiltrator with properties owned..operated..but never written by a the deed..the document setting the records's who don't know..becomes the drive delivered..becomes the upper hands of the hood of weed and 40 swigs..with wooley blunts and hopped up chevys with the top down..a package deal..a king living off the horn..or so u think..but u don't wake up until the cops come..the raids are u.. whats left open in the community..killing what's mistaken indentity..being left the neighbor's problem while in the wrong place at the wrong time type thang the whistles's another day for the G thang effect..chronicles..what's in the news today..a body learns heaven..once again by the count of three..the gates open.. a strong wind's the northern hemisphere..welcoming your soul..what's left behind,on Earth..arrives not knowing where he belongs..the spirit in heaven's u living now..ask the Question..does it exist..yo'life living to a successful end..says goodbye, never had a chance in hell..on Earth..where thunder roars..runs for's time to take a look back..see what saves a G thang..while in touch with him making it out through sleepful death..the wages of sin..the good and the bad vs doing your own thang,G..but..getting what comes 2 u..taking a chance on heaven..ghetto level up..where the lift arranges the real thang..where a street name "life" is still the reality..paves the wages of matter G..the comfort of dealing what's habit forming..a life u left..knowing hard times..low budgets and poor grammar..illecteracy teaching grown Gs some sense..G$-money becomes..penniless, broke on a street called.. street life..God's choice..Gs survival becomes.the father..the son and the holy spirit..betta check yourself..he's been with u all the the ghetto..the invite..whats given..the WORD..LIVING SLANG..EBONIC>..GOD..SON...YO'G..BROTHA.. forgive me if i'm a lil yeah..I left this out..sound Familiar 2u..doesn't it?..the ebonics, Whats been connected with the times of your life being Ghetto Heaven right where u live..the turning point been the verdict of yourown destiny..what goes around..becomes...G NAME "GENESIS".. THE BEGINNING..THINK ABOUT IT Gs..your following is..what ends..GOD'S future.. your ebonics rehearsed..go around and comes right back in black..whats kept in the dark..Ghetto Heaven...Earth's final resting place 4 A G thang...puts a light on..the last wordz..PeAcE..Gangster..God..Ghetto..Genesis..which one are >>Y O U???? Create..S.TJordan

Friday, August 7, 2009

VIDEO: Police Body-Slam Elderly Woman At Wal-Mart | NewsOne

VIDEO: Police Body-Slam Elderly Woman At Wal-Mart | NewsOne: "This old lady was in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart in Whitehall, Ohio, swinging a knife at people. When the police arrived, she wouldn’t drop the knife, so the police officer took her down. The identity of the woman and the police officers are not available at this time. Watch The Video"


"Friday, August 7, 2009 Good morning. Imagine if all your words for the past 24 hrs had been recorded and turned into a transcript. How would it read? Would there be more life than death? Would it include words filled with life that build others up? How much of it would contain grumbling, complaining or even name-calling? (REMEMBER) what comes out of your mouth reveals who you really are. Focus on speaking words of life and blessing! If you change your words, you'll change your life. -(Joyce Meyers) God is Love Rev Run"


The soul embarks...what remains in my heart..caresses my bedside.. a buddle of nerves stops..where I soothe my body..smiles with joy.. laughter..craves for your love..inside what's deep..piercing..keeps me still to relax..where my spoken repitore melts and loose all train of thought..a single female wants u drink of wine.. prince kingdom for his Queen of hearts..a bridge over trouble waters..rises to the top of liquid nature..leaks a sigh of comfort..the soles of my feet..plays tag..ur it...curls..tickles mines.. where we meet..under sheets of lilac and perfumed fragrance..what a scent while the room speaks incoherent..a mind boddles..flows so merciful..unwhines..revitalize the moment of passion leaves one holding on 2 partnership..a song..a symphony..where love unlimited performs the motion in oceans..what drifts the tide..shakes an effect where..Barry White..serenades u in over drive..he moves mountains..storms..performs an erection..a violin sends me to heaven..where..I never wanna loose u my self infliction..2 no end of..what began a simple hello..what talks a good game..where objects truffle becomes a Chocolate center piece..candy can I pretend what wet my undergarments..what plays below the waste line...where water trickles down my flesh..a prize package angel of the night..sweet nectaur..the cure for desire..comes alive..wakes me 2 call for your soul..body..what I give for pleasure of your lips..eyes of darkness..what lifts my spirits.. makes me weak..a tendah touch of mellow magic sparks a reaction 2 what enlightens whats' electric..a raging force 2 find ourselves..happily ever after..a writer..calling for an answer to loveland..always and forever..each moment with u..I imagine the glow of love..pending..loving u..waiting til you.. send for me..Create..S T Jordan

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


long behold..I am the stage told..the performance thrilled..the audience filled..the room is still..waits as i make a motion to stand in position..the curtain remains decoration and I become your entertainment..where eyes see a lifeless sound of greeting..who am I..while the voice of people all around smiles with laughter..slowly..I what gets ready for the a show..without anywords or song or music or band to rhapsody melodies of a man in BLACK, a side of no following..who did u expect..the curtain opens.. the people files in..I'm so impatient..what am I waiting for..your the classical bandstand..the stage..a light as it shines on me..One human..the story of loosing script,I stand once act 2 follow..the end of encore.. losing you..SPEECH..a REVIEW..poor..Create..Sheila T Jordan


here.. we have blocks of separation on this picture...but..the sisters with fine soft looks and smooth velvet skin texture..a variety of Nubian..culture..the diversities combine with a spark of pigment..challenges itself among white.. defies the tone..habits stand out or to smell the sweet nectar of juice that flows from ones sweat glands..signify all 2 transcends..become color..but opposites our men black beauties 2 change..what measures me on a scale of balance.. what examines the amount..QUANTITY of love from our brothas..what explains my qualifications as a beauty is the eyes of it's beholder..African American in the hell makes u think..while I read your comments..u rave on the matter of WHITE..being chosen by a blk man,you so ur superior to all his Queens..this was a topic of interest wriiten where she explains how she's upset..why all our sistahs are hating on the matter of our brothas choosen them over us,well as the story continue to strike a nerve in the pit of my just so happens.. A blk defense talks back..the anger.. the you speak like u got it like that..don't take it out on us type thang going on...because blk men find us too fat..loud..on the offensive,wanna argue,wanna fight..wanna act like their angry with every white woman..well this brotha comes back at her with both barrels..he gave her a piece of his mind..blk..letting her know..just because a blkman except a white girl over his own,just because she stands up for herself,just because the facts are shes superior to harder..she purchases her own home..her own strengths and never takes shit off of him or anyone..she's a mother..wife to her husband and children..raised in a christan environment..our past history qualifications..with discipline and respect for her people..which you know nothing about..when your white..taking charge of mine..our life.. your eazy going..your scared of challenge,you kiss ass..lick us all around our genital..become the anals getting butt fucked..what you like coming from a blk man.. you do anything our brotha ask u to do..the beauty is..what beauty does 2 any size..shape or attitudes of sistahs..the culture..does not give you the right to tell any blk woman,your tired..when were tire of hearing cries about abuse..from the likes of blaiming only black brothas being whipped because of accusing the blackman of rape every single time u drop your draws..behind closed doors..right now..he could be playing yourass with his color & u say ur his...lady u talking shit..where we have the right to put your ass out in the pasture..sweat like my mother my grandma did and like I still do..being a man..blk.. never looking down on any black sistas...u can take that high sadity blkman with his education and good working you said he's got and kiss my ass..u making it eazy..with no means of christan values..what's cleaned your homes..washed your floors..cooked your meals..where his ancestors's dick was being munched the master's wife behind his back..kissing the best of white & being hated at the same time..thats a wannabe mantality..a slave trade..u u got networks,bringing up the rear,feel me..blkman in corporate dwellings..thinking it's been your abilities as a hard working brothas in business got him the position..moving on George's the life..kissing your ass..your never once ever experience as a black man..and this white woman..she's disrespecting...and while u at it..betta check yo'self,this is what it is,..sorry..apologies goes out to u we go again...Slavery is back..that same bullshit...what goes around comes right back..but now wearing balls & our brothas cock..."Queens"..I love ya..and I got your backs..SIGNED..a man called..nigga Please!!!!.u love 2 be with..CREATE...SHEILA T JORDAN

Richmond History Center Collections

Richmond History Center Collections

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Unnecessary Knowledge | Gain some knowledge!

Unnecessary Knowledge | Gain some knowledge!

Wentworth Miller a Gallery of Photos

Wentworth Miller a Gallery of Photos


Staten Island ..what cha gotta say..this was an enchanter the flamboyant lover..the straight up brotha that captivate my corner..there he was..a smile behind sheets and bees of shallon..the sword without the face covered..but please don't get me wrong..underneath was a copy of my distance lover..a soldier..with madcap evil eyes with no smile..a bad observor.with the swiftness..2 protect my assess..what a great entertainer he is..with feather leather jackets and threads with the name TONY STARKS..Not 2b mistaken as..Ironman(Robert Downey Junior) although he gotta hold of my heart and shaped it in2 wu-heaven..not because of his style of fashion..not because he was one of the Wu-Tang gang..but because he favors the love of my lifetime..My friend and ex husband while in a facility at LIVINGSTON CORRECTIONAL ..UPSTATE NY..for 11 years..I was the woman in waiting..the care package deal..the whole shabang..sistah Ellis..wondering how I did this ..well to say the least ..I was his lady for that long..I witness all elements of in facilities.. working for their com, the neccessities of making it become forever..getting those cigarettes..eating..buying toiletries for his body one day I go visit sweetheart..smiling..grinning like a chesaire cat..when I arrived,there was a fight going on..the inmates was going after a guy with contrabend on a visit..suddenly the gates was closed..the visIt was cancelled..due to one person..who squealed.. but nobody knew who he was..until the gates were open,we commence to proceed outta the prison to leave,when all of a sudden...I heard somebody yell..Wu-tang,open up..the visit was back on..just when the i walked out to go board the bus..I heard another yell,Wu-TANG..I turned around and what did my eyes see,,but none other than,Tony Starks himself on a visit for u guest it.. RUSSELL JOHNSON..bka..Ol' dirty bastard himself..he was in Jail with my man..go figure..I quickly turn around and ran back to meet him and when I looked at his face,I couldn't believe the resemblence to my Boo..DAMN ..That was astounding..they look just like twins..just goes to show ya,,there a face..a ghostface,Iremember when my man use to call from the facility..putting Tony on the phone..saying..say GOT HOOKED ON his silliness..the memories are well lived..R.I.P..OL'DIRTY..WE MISSYA BROOKLYN..PEACE..LOVE YA my ex was fun..and I missya..C..Create..Sheila