Thursday, October 22, 2009

find a guy who calls you beautiful « whereinsoever

March 14,
2008 find a guy who calls you
instead of hot, who calls you back when
you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars
and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep… wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the
world when you are in sweats, who holds
your hand in front of his friends,
who thinks you’re just as
pretty without makeup on.
one who is constantly reminding
you of how much he cares and
how lucky his is to have you…
the one who turns to his friends and
says, “that’s her!” ~ anon ~ *"

kevinpowell -

"Kevin Powell is a political activist, poet, journalist, essayist, hiphop historian, public speaker, and entrepreneur. Kevin is the author of nine books and most recently the editor of The Black Male Handbook: A Blueprint for Life."


well..this is my last week for a check up ...
go in tomorrow neurosurgeon say it's been nice...time for the next step..
3..working it out up the street at the doctor's
gym..that's right..our clinics have a GYM
downstairs equipped for the Patients,
from my Insurance..which is 0..
I owe no cost or co-payment plan..slamming..
look like sheila again,from the medicine
made my hair got so dry and bridle but grew
like grass..look like my finger was stuck in a
socket..standing on end like static from a
current..electricity have bronze and half dark
brown..look like a punk revolutionary..
lol back to my health..looks like I'll be going
back to the drawing board soon..this is not me..
sitting around..feeling moody about the stroke
putting myself in danger..not taking my pills,
being a lil hard to get along with, it's the effects
of the denial of movement..rough..I cried on
and off..especially when they told me ..It CAN
RETURN again..if i don't take care of myself..
no joke' I make sure i take my medicine..
thanks 4 listening..going outside to get some of
this last of summer in NYC ..WEATHER..CHOW ...