Thursday, May 20, 2010


I would like to
take this time out.. to share a story that will break your heart for 24 years..
Donald Rains has been a good friend a devoted christian a loving father..husband to his second wife..where he was married before to Sherry..whom I knew she was a loving human being..he lost her to a brain Aneurysm.. a young woman..was only 25 or 26 years old..after which.. things started going down hill for him.. I was going with my son's father .. Tony.. Donald's cousin.. we all had many good times spent with Donald.. he use to be the life of the party.. went partying all the time..bus trips.. church outings..amusements
reunions dinner's at his house.. w/ TONY We always did things in a very high class way..loved 2 show his playa hats & manly character...It's so sad.. that I had 2 hear about the sudden attack placed upon his sight about 4 months I was preparing to say goodbye to the love of my life..I received an email from Donald..asking me about my mom..everything seemed 2 be ok..until..he shared the news w/ me about his sight..I it .. CATARACT or GLAUCOMA.. he responded..GLAUCOMA we continued on speaking on the matter which was similar to my mother he started asking me .. what did I witness through her downfall..I replied..she had an operation in 1 eye...never had the chance to get the other eye done.. her sight started fading I was so devastated..everything he exactly what was happening the days that drew closer to her demise .. he started keeping in contact with me on facebook as the days went on..he got worse the doctor finally broke the news to him he will b losing his sight's just one more disease..taking all our black people over by storm.. diabetes..cancer...heart failure stroke...thank God ..he had something for me to do..I banged on the floor grabbed my head..said outta my mouth with a loud sound ..get thee behind me Satan all of a sudden..a voice..just as plain as day..said ..take an aspirin.. i asked my grand daughter to quickly go get me an aspirin in the medicine cabinet as soon as I took that pill..I can tell the difference in my brain the doctor was angry that I took a chance walking up to Rockaway one long block from where I live they check my vital signs..pressure what outta control.. had to rush me right then and there in a ambulance right away..they told me ..if I had waited another hour or more..I would have went in2 a is very important to follow up on your health it might sound so bad even put fear in the mind..not 2 convince u to have it checked out..but GO!!! DO THE RIGHT THANG.. it will pay off in the long run.. MY buddy can't turn back the hands of time or trade in his vision & reverse the problem..which is too far gone.. This man became a Pastor..a man of the cloth..w/a church.a new wife & a wonder life.. they came crashing down all around his world..a son..the gift of life sending a message from GOD..every Sunday morning.. praying for others in fellowship supporting his members in SOUTH CAROLINA.. where there was a knock on heaven's door he be the answers reading scriptures preaching the he's being taking care of .. by his wife they lost their home.. he now lives in Connecticut.. he owes bills,, and get this..they turned him down for social security disability .. talking about economics going bad.. I feel for him with all my heart.. it's gonna take the political access negotiate the necessities in life which brings 2 this travesty I ASK for those who have had this experience to please with ur nearest legislators or govt official to make DEMANDS ON HEALTH CARE.. it is a VERY life threatening situation... WE NEED ASSISTANCE in the worse way possible..God Bless YOU..Donald.. LOVE you MAN!!! Thanks for LISTENING..Create Sheila T Jordan