Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sean Bell Family Still Gripped By Grief | News One

The Bell family, including Sean’s mother Valerie and
would-be wife Nicole, made a special appearance on the panel —
moderated by Terrie Williams, author of “Black Pain,
” and including other victims of personal tragedies.
Valerie Bell spoke about the painful, viscera
l connection with her son the night he died.
She had never felt labor pains with Sean, she said,
having given birth by Cesarean section.
But on the night of his murder, she said, “that was the night
I felt my labor pains.” William Bell discussed the difficulty
of expressing emotion for some Black men, but readily
admitted that he weeps openly. From birth, Black men are told
: suck it up. Don’t show emotion,” Williams responded.
Also on the panel was Donna Hood,
mother of Kevin Lamont Miller Jr., a 13-year-old bullet
killed by a stray bullet in Queens.“It’s come to a point where we expect,
it’s okay to bury our children,” she said, breaking into tears.
At one point, Williams asked every mother and father in
the audience who has lost a child to stand up. About six did,
and she invited them all to the podium to tell their stories.
One man shared the story of his own son that was shot
and killed. As he left the podium, William Bell stood up to
embrace the man, revealing on his back an
artist’s drawing of his son Sean."


By way of..Mr KEVIN HICKS"
"Honoring A King - Commemorative Poetry Tribute to Dr. King - 2011 By:
Sistah Joy Alford

How GOP Proposed Budget Cuts Will Affect Black People | News One

" The proposed GOP
budget cuts that may cause a
veto from President Barack Obama
and cause a government shut down would have big affect
on the Black community as well as Hispanics
and the Urban Poor. One the biggest pushes by the GOP is
to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. Despite
the GOP’s demonization of Planned Parenthood, the organization
isn’t purely about providing abortions. Planned Parenthood
provides condoms and other means of contraception
to people in urban communities. They also educate teens
on sex, children and parenthood and offer other options such
as adoptions and counsel young parents on
how to raise children. The GOP is also looking to make
major cuts to HeadStart, which provides childcare for children
under five for people in urban areas who may not be able
to afford other sources of daycare. Another proposed cut
by the GOP is to WIC or Women with Infant
s and Children which provides money to
families who may not be able to feed their families."
A poem
By: C R E A T E..
the hands spoke to me..
in terms from 1-understanding
my skills and
measurements of..learning
the alpha bets..the equal rights
ammendments..the focus n
colors..BLACK..white and
european, asianic..arabian..
ur Customs in our history Books
the mathematics..long , short
divisions..matric systems &
biographies..the class n
sessions..becomes the future
n schools w/ no money to pay for
my skills and diplomacies..degrees..
Majors Studies ,,what provides the
cost of looking empty..
surplus allowance kept for a rainy day
to reinssure what carries us through
minor disorderly fashions as a scholarship
or college of my choice liberal..
philosophies= Equals..the masters of
our F U T U R E..what cries for what leaders..
returns w/ WHAT stands..GOPs decisions ..pells..losing ...
where ur Interest..takes a step..BACKWARD
n Fields of Emotion..
Losers never win..What owes us..
as it's Beginnings.. PROCESSED..Wins ur Votes..
where deficits..Breaks free
from..schools Closing DOWN the
what wrong..where CHILDREN are
by GOVTS decisions..Left on a BLACK MAN's
Our Future..amen..:)

Are We Being Lied to About Africa? [OPINION] | News One

So noted:SPEAKS;
It’s important that we
understand just how messed up Africa is.
It’s important that any bad news from
Africa become big news.
Still, I wasn’t surprised at all to read recently how poverty
rates and child death rates have been falling steadily
across the continent while the McKinsey
Quarterly describes Africa as “among the world’s most rapidly
growing economic regions.” The reason the story that I read gave
for virtually ignoring any good news from Africa was that
many international aid companies
like the United Nations are
always on the lookout for more dough so it would be against
their own better interest to tell other truths. Maybe. I’d like to add a
couple of other potential
reasons if I might. For a long time
the wholesale colonization of Africa by European powers was
justified by the belief that Blacks, if left to our own
devices, couldn’t govern ourselves. Falling poverty rates and
rapidly growing economies kinda screws up that notion.
Also, I’ve always argued that, as far as race in
America is concerned,
"Black people are just a distraction."