Saturday, May 7, 2011

THe LEGACY..what lives..Mom's of Earth..Listen..**0+:-)**

" Sunday Morning..
Breakfast was on the Table...I
was a youth learning the values of mom was at her best, childhood made me ..educated a Queen,,her Princess...Sheilla..Youngest of Ten..a new addition..what God has manifest..the rearing.. being helpful..the love compassion.. principles..where your time is..the joy of listening..where Mother earns respect..the love is like a brand new introduction..become her daughter,while levels are the height of being.. an image of Mother..smiling all the time.. saying I love you so..assures you..the beauty of Birth..a life carries her following..what becomes.. a WOMAN..teachs..fullfills all the times invested.. the journey of knowing..The Lord is our beginning.. what sees us through all suffering, gifts are what lies ahead inside perform as long as... the spirit greater LOVE is worthy of losing.. the understanding..happiness & generosity..a Holy day to obligate, wearing him with no regrets..Wisdom, increase the knowledge..protect who is less fortunate.. reach out to the heavens..where God has his right hand to deliver...what his left pronounces you the smiles implanted..the Proof.Body & blood..where, The Earth gathers One life..n his..extends his arms length for yours & mines to wear...Wrapped.. the Glory of Our Father>>KING..JESUS..My Lord & SAVIOR.. Has given me pride in siblings..The Joy..reigns supreme.. Sings.. Praises to his name..Mother's of E A R T H ..bow down before thee...Give Him the
G L O R Y....Be Blessed..amen... Create...Sheila..Peace..&:-)"

Black Children in Special Education in Houston | The Atlanta Post | African-American

Black Children in Special Education in Houston The Atlanta Post African-American News, Business News & Black Politics: "Black Children Incorrectly Labeled As Students With Special Needs April 25, 2011 02:48 PMBy Charlotte Young Like many schools across the nation, lunch price increases and teacher layoffs are some of the issues that plague the Houston Independent School District (HISD). But the district’s minority students face an additional challenge—they are quickly and incorrectly placed in special education classes. It’s an issue that Terry Grier, the HISD superintendent, knew would be a major concern since his first day on the job, he told Politic365. Research conducted in the fall of 2010 by Grier’s administration, as well as an accompanying audit by Boston firm Thomas Hehir and Associates, compared HISD statistics with other school districts. The results were clear: there are 16,386 students classified as special education in HISD schools. Of this number, African American students are the overwhelming majority. Grier believes that the district is also failing in properly assisting its Hispanic students. For instance, they are often ill-prepared in English classes during the early elementary years. As they face difficulties in middle and high school grades, these students must also fight against labels of English language deficiency and special education. Placing substantial amounts of children in special education classes is a problem that has long haunted the minority community. Although the school system is quick to label minority children, they provide a slow response and approach to reversing their mistake."