Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gil Scott-Heron Pieces of A Man


"The man most credited for popularizing the Art of Spoken-Word... Gil Scot-Heron has passed. RIP my brother...We will miss you What's your favorite Gil Scot classic Gil Scott-Heron, poet, rhymer, and inspired protest singer"


"- Daily Leaders Testimonial Call 3-30: Gary - High Blood Pressure and other testimonies... call: 712-432-0075 PIN 667219# Marrin Bickham - Overall Health, Weight Loss, Energy, & Sleep True Coleman - Stevens Johnson Disease Gary Williams - High Blood Pressure, Knees, Colon Ruth Donavan - Hair, Nails & Foot after Surgery Domenico Diglio - Vision & Energy more."

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oprah's Last Show -What Oprah Knows for Sure pt.2

For me...the Words touch me
what fed the intelligent writers n Poetry, listens..
who fits the criterias of living the dream,
and experience how you willl feel n the process
not to ever eliminate one's
goals n life ,to shape the love unbinding
where the soul meets it's performance
what smiles n confidence,learns in order to
be the voice of what matters to you..
you must speak with visual aspects
what takes the floor, grabs the hearts
what can't fill their own self perservation
spells leadership,a voice n keeping
all humanity.. the cry for help..
what reaches all understanding..hears and delivers
the joy of making life ur worth to share what
gave themselves..this truly is a reality check..
Checks reality while life can be a bitter
trials...what holds u as it contempt..
see the storms erupt..believe ur not Qualified
to change a heart that knows compassion..
sinks deep the emotion..carries the love for all mankind
woman..u suddenly learned,,it is YOU..
where Life is for certain..the wages, the penalties,
what it takes for..the Love you save as well as
what depict the climb, how much it means and what
determined, how You, urself delivers..
is the VICTORY..saving GRACE,,
above all things..A method to move the World
by given back all your own accomplishments
meeting the triumphs..
speaks..A plan that proceeds the happiness a JOY forever..
Successful..finding an introduction..
leading the reality..
the wake up callin me..Not 2B the Quitter
what becomes Life..working overtime
reaching for the Stars..Oprah's vision..
is Now..the makings of Us all..
African American..
Conquerers who builds the Dreams of
Eyes on the prize..
where Black is the color of my
True Love for destiny..
So help Me GOD...where the Mountain tops me..
all and everything..
The calling..A future To believe..I am
forever it's LEGACY..The Struggle ..
to elivate n decisions..Where GOD is a
SHINING light, becomes what searched to find
the Light at the end of the TUNNEl....Closing Me as
The Final Count..what matters
A CREATION..Blessed..the POWERS within
LOVE ..who looked back..
says THANKS for the memories..
The people who made me what I am
today..SUCCESS!!!...WORDS of Poetry..Thanks OPRAH>
Sheila T Jordan..
C R E A T E...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

2011 AIDS Walk New York - General Donation

My Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00 Money Raised to Date: $1,025.00"

No man lives..Written by me..Create to a dear writer ,friend..muah..Loveya...

"Sheila Create T Jordan <>Amar Taborn
No man lives comments leading
them n 2 barsof callous mischief or streets where
temptation be theirplayground, feels it's enemies of conflict,
moves the house from being moved..infected.inhuman.. pretends life breeds smile of decayed..mobilized, now wears shoes the size of a woman's Torso..not the head possessed.. never... loses balls..he feelin..we don't change what God gave man, just the strength of leadership..honor what builds character,plays, but no acts.. reality checks the true identities, lies within you..what a woman becomes..the likeness there of..manhood stays the infinite Wisdom..stored, nothing different,,but oh something gained..his own self Dignity and Powers to become a friend of mines,,i love.. Happy Born Day fruitof the god's AMAR..where ur light has God working over are business transact to approval.. Love you much..shine ..the Glow of love..standing.. where I am ur Book of Creation..Ms J..have a good one..Peace"

Sunday, May 22, 2011

BirthdayWishes,,while one misses,,you do no hellos Devon..

Sheila Create T Jordan.. There is a line
that speaks.. you left ur words n El Segundo, whatever.. when you speak of literature n the Gospel of Jesus .. ...your hearts meets it's promise as what wears you..being somebody that thinks it's humble.. what you fill n their hearts.. and not the time well spent.. But for the most part God does work n mysterious ways.. (Devon)being..iwas passing by.. then I saw isn't that something..ur How Old and yet..a fine line on the internet.. suddenly becomes your waste.. our time is limited to people who are thought of every day.. life take a moment to say.. the Lord be with you always and forever..where my family is still ur past n loving the World.. God Gave his only begotten Son.. we tend to Neglect..(Prophet).. what Gains wisdom..never lose knowledge..stands 2b corrected.. Grown neednotbatall..PERIOD. Write a comment...
as the time gave way to
distance n space..where
you once filled mine..
what was shared..adored ..
loved althrought meeting..
where your pages spoke the
Lord God.YAHWAY..spiritual
the God who you represented..
where the Bible gave me
a friend to pray as well as hold
the keys to my place..
become a siblet of rental..
where you moved me
as well as my children..
a gospel of inspiration means..
from Cali by way of OAKLAND town..
eyes saw new foundation
while Joggin by..on the streets of
SouthOzone ParkNYC..QUEENS..
when all he had to do is
pass me by..say hello... keep it movin
while eyes spoke on his looks..strong ..
rebust & friendly..this is how it began..
now the times well spend..comes back..visits in 2004..
one night following what was past..
many years later
what has changed all our lives..
he left something behind, felt he
return .feeling he had was guilt..said n private ..
while sitting n his car..
I should not have never left you..
i fell n love w/ ur children..a family
that was the last time..
your not what i was expecting..
being a christan setting..
where my heart
was yearning for ur return..
pending..just forgotten what
now speaks a marriage made n heaven..
Once again.. a Goodbye..
why returns..say you'll b back
to visit from Time to Time..
left nothing,,just a space..
I can replace..
as memories..talking..
the same thing..
Not what I thought he was...
Gives it all to JESUS...
while Passing me by..Peace..Create...

Polly Taylor'squestion..Who Inspire YOU..I way of..Mindset..Gifts fr/.GOD..


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kenneth'sGratuationCelebrating w/LANNIE& Baby..LiLANNIE JR

LittleLannie Ross updated The Lannie and Alivia Family Journal Today we all went to Uncle Kenny's graduation at SFSU. Oh it was beautiful, to see so many people in purple, such regality. Now time will tell what's to come..."

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

| Hello Beautiful comments on this statistics..Illminded...

The likeness there of..
no comparing me as it's gender
what describe a lightskin to a Blackfigure ..Looks better
where my lips are no thinstrips..
looking unfamiliar
to White u say..we begs 2differshades of
the Natural chemical proceeds me
it's diabolical creation..
what differs n contrast..what delivers my native past
no congo rhythms or bongos from Africa,
stems me.. it's
grassroots looking good as darkness..what do see
that's any good n me..through eyes
that believe, where passion
feeds the anger by what carries all their lives
a ritual of colors are subjects
beneath the Beauty ..who stands outta ..
what lessons me..
The final decisions..calling me..
the pigment no man would ever Admit
W O M E N..
but we are the makings
man can't conclude..what shadows
the substance of being REAL..
Which makes up the major..
rules don't apply..what White in this
lifetime..never sees any color skin..
better than me.. H U M A N..PEACE
"Psychology Today
magazine recently
posted an article on their site titled: “ Why Are Black Women Less Physicall
y Attractive Than Other Women?” The mag claims that there are marked race
differences in physical attractiveness among women,
but not among men. Why? The article is based on a study conducted in which
several people were interviewed and the “scientific method” was used. Here’s an excerpt: This sex difference in the race differences in physical attractiveness – where physical attractiveness varies significantly by race among women, but not among men – is replicated at each Add Health wave (except that the race differences among men are statistically significant, albeit substantively very small, in Wave III). In each wave, black women are significantly less physically attractive than women of other races. Recall that women on average are more physically attractive than men. So women of all races are on average more physically attractive than the “average” Add Health respondent, except for black women. As the following graph shows, black women are statistically no different from the “average” Add Health respondent, and far less attractive than white, Asian, and Native American women."

Monday, May 16, 2011

2Pac - Keep Ya Head Up

'Teach Me How to Dougie' rapper killed in drive-by shooting

"Hip-hop fans are mourning the loss of 22-year-old Cali Swag District group member M-Bone (born Montae Talbert) today. Talbert was reportedly shot in front of an Inglewood, CA liquor store late Sunday evening. According to sources the shooter was driving alone along La Brea Avenue when he fired two shots at Talbert. The Cali Swag District group member was reportedly taken to an area California hospital where he was pronounced dead. WATCH MUSIC VIDEO FOR 'TEACH ME HOW TO DOUGIE'"

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lost Boyz To Celebrate Freaky Tah's 40th Birthday | Get The Latest Hip Hop News, Rap News & Hip Hop Album Sales | HipHop DX

Lost Boyz To Celebrate Freaky Tah's 40th Birthday Get The Latest Hip Hop News, Rap News & Hip Hop Album Sales HipHop DX: "Mr. Cheeks and Pretty Lou will appear a Queens park to honor their fallen friend. Two of the surviving members of South Jamaica, Queens group Lost Boyz are paying respects to fallen soldier Freaky Tah. To celebrate what would be his 40th birthday, Freaky Tah's father Champ and brother Jay Ball are organizing and hosting the annual 'Freaky Tah Day,' a party in Lincoln Park in South Ozone Park, Queens, New York in his honor. Mr. Cheeks and Pretty Lou are scheduled to attend. The event, scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 14th, will not feature member DJ Spigg Nice, who is currently in jail serving a 37-year sentence for several bank robberies. Tah, whose real name is Raymond Rogers, died at the age of 27. He was shot in the head on March 28, 1999 after leaving Mr. Cheeks’ birthday party. Getaway driver Raheem Fletcher was sentenced to seven years in prison, while the shooter, Kelvin Jones, was served with a 15-year bid."

cws812je -

" Peace...
I am here for spiritual
if ur heart is able..
love is unconditional.. Joy unsurpasses all and everything ...BEAUTIFUL.. ask and you shall recieve.. the Gifts in Life ..he brings..your days will look ..smiling..paving the way to everlasting wisdom.. understanding & Peace..from ur O'mighty King..Father...GOD..who knows what u are... who u are and How ur life transcends..Believe and he shall Keep u among his righteous Circle of humbleness.. Where Jesus is ours always and forever..amen... Create..WELCOME!!!..b blessed POETRY IN MOTION; The Gift I adquired.. I thank G O D..amen When you discover,
ur wisdom ..A process of using ur mind, capable of being the masterplan, building,exploring.
.search ur souls awareness find the truth,,how life wil become..
what leads you through all understanding and proclaims ..Victory..reassuring..It WIll..
shall bring 2 Pass..The truth..what's in YOU..Create"

Monday, May 9, 2011

Meat Glue a "dirty little secret"

IF ur Food conscience..u need to be..
Beef has been process containing
G L U E...Yes..Pay Close attention..
I am Vey concern for all of Us AMERICANS

Sister's from the heart

"Dear Sheila, I received your Mother's Day greeting; thank you for thinking of me and creating such a lovely, heartfelt message. It was very touching and much appreciated. Yes, I'm missing mom, you, Camilla (my family) ... and, of course, Robert. May you have a very wonderful Mother's Day spent with your amazing children .... you have been truly blessed by the Lord. I love you, Dolores"

Saturday, May 7, 2011

THe LEGACY..what lives..Mom's of Earth..Listen..**0+:-)**

" Sunday Morning..
Breakfast was on the Table...I
was a youth learning the values of mom was at her best, childhood made me ..educated a Queen,,her Princess...Sheilla..Youngest of Ten..a new addition..what God has manifest..the rearing.. being helpful..the love compassion.. principles..where your time is..the joy of listening..where Mother earns respect..the love is like a brand new introduction..become her daughter,while levels are the height of being.. an image of Mother..smiling all the time.. saying I love you so..assures you..the beauty of Birth..a life carries her following..what becomes.. a WOMAN..teachs..fullfills all the times invested.. the journey of knowing..The Lord is our beginning.. what sees us through all suffering, gifts are what lies ahead inside perform as long as... the spirit greater LOVE is worthy of losing.. the understanding..happiness & generosity..a Holy day to obligate, wearing him with no regrets..Wisdom, increase the knowledge..protect who is less fortunate.. reach out to the heavens..where God has his right hand to deliver...what his left pronounces you the smiles implanted..the Proof.Body & blood..where, The Earth gathers One life..n his..extends his arms length for yours & mines to wear...Wrapped.. the Glory of Our Father>>KING..JESUS..My Lord & SAVIOR.. Has given me pride in siblings..The Joy..reigns supreme.. Sings.. Praises to his name..Mother's of E A R T H ..bow down before thee...Give Him the
G L O R Y....Be Blessed..amen... Create...Sheila..Peace..&:-)"

Black Children in Special Education in Houston | The Atlanta Post | African-American

Black Children in Special Education in Houston The Atlanta Post African-American News, Business News & Black Politics: "Black Children Incorrectly Labeled As Students With Special Needs April 25, 2011 02:48 PMBy Charlotte Young Like many schools across the nation, lunch price increases and teacher layoffs are some of the issues that plague the Houston Independent School District (HISD). But the district’s minority students face an additional challenge—they are quickly and incorrectly placed in special education classes. It’s an issue that Terry Grier, the HISD superintendent, knew would be a major concern since his first day on the job, he told Politic365. Research conducted in the fall of 2010 by Grier’s administration, as well as an accompanying audit by Boston firm Thomas Hehir and Associates, compared HISD statistics with other school districts. The results were clear: there are 16,386 students classified as special education in HISD schools. Of this number, African American students are the overwhelming majority. Grier believes that the district is also failing in properly assisting its Hispanic students. For instance, they are often ill-prepared in English classes during the early elementary years. As they face difficulties in middle and high school grades, these students must also fight against labels of English language deficiency and special education. Placing substantial amounts of children in special education classes is a problem that has long haunted the minority community. Although the school system is quick to label minority children, they provide a slow response and approach to reversing their mistake."

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

create823's Profile / Blogger

The Eyes haved
away from POETRY.. I am still the read n history of
what passed my skills.
.my heritage n lyrics , assisting what claims the introspect..
character of her CRAFT,
the motivator.. A sista who Transatlantic
her self being..By way Of NYC..Queens.. South Ozone Pk..that's write..
Precisely urs one else But..ya hear me..
I thought sooo..Peace...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Broadway's black stars shine with Tony nominations

Broadway's black stars shine with Tony nominations: "Cast members attend the opening night of 'The Scottsboro Boys' on Broadway at the Lyceum Theatre on October 31, 2010 in New York City. (Photo by John W. Ferguson/Getty Images)The prestigious Tony Award nominations are in!Today, Anika Noni Rose and Matthew Broderick made the announcements. In the months to come, Broadway's best will wait in anticipation for the official awards ceremony. The predominantly African American cast of The Scottsboro Boys cleaned up with a total of 12 nominations. The musical based on the 1930s Alabama court case involving nine black men wrongfully convicted of raping a white woman closed in December of 2010 due to low ticket sales, but is campaigning for a return to Broadway after posthumous acclaim. The show's nominations include best play and best musical. One of the show's leads, Joshua Henry, is nominated for best performance by an actor in a leading role in a musical and his co-stars Forrest McClendon and Colman Domingo are nominated for best performance by an actor in a featured role in a musical."

Monday, May 2, 2011

President Obama on Death of Osama bin Laden

President Obama at White House Correspondents Dinner

Hundreds celebrate death of Osama bin Laden in Washington - Slideshow lightbox -

Hundreds celebrate death of Osama bin Laden in Washington - Slideshow lightbox - "A woman wearing a costume and holding a sign reading 'JUSTICE IS DONE' joins thousands celebrating the news that Al-Qaida terror leader Osama bin Laden is dead in front of the White House in Washington, DC, on May 2, 2011. At 11.35 tonight President Obama announced 'the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who’s responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children.' UPI/Roger L. Wollenberg

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon parents of twins

MusicNEW YORK (AP) -
-Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon celebrated their third anniversary with another milestone -- becoming parents to a baby girl and boy. Carey's representative, Cindi Berger, confirmed the births to The Associated Press. The singing superstar gave birth S aturday at 12:07 p.m. EDT (1607 GMT) at an undisclosed hospital in Los Angeles. Berger says the baby girl was born first, weighing 5 pounds, 3 ounces (2.35 kilograms), and was 18 inches (45.7 centimeters) tall; her brother was next, at 5 pounds 6 ounces (2.44 kilograms), and was 19 inches (48.3 centimeters). Berger says the couple has not named the children yet. Cannon drove Carey to the hospital in their Rolls-Royce Phantom. Berger said the 41-year-old Carey, who had gone through false labor, was calm, thinking that it was another false alarm. Meanwhile, the 30-year-old Cannon was so nervous he went to the wrong department at the hospital, and was guided to the maternity ward by a nurse. 'It was like right out of an 'I Love Lucy' skit,' said Berger, referring to the 1950s TV comedy. Berger says they were listening to Carey's 'We Belong Together' after the children were born. The couple are expected to renew their wedding vows on Sunday"