Wednesday, April 27, 2011

White House releases Obama birth certificate - Yahoo! News

Wednesday morning
released the president's long
form birth certificate (pdf) in an attempt to put
'birther' questions to rest.
'The President believed the
distraction over his birth certificate wasn't good
for the country.
It may have been good politics
and good T.V., but it was bad for the
American people and
distracting from
the many challenges
we face as a country,' White House Communications
Director Dan Pfeiffer
said in a statement.
The president had released his certificate of live birth in 2008,
but many 'birthers'
said the absence of a
long form birth certificate prompted questions about
Obama's birthplace of Hawaii.
In recent weeks
potential GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump
has brought birther
questions into the forefront of the media.
At a time of great consequence
for this country--
when we should be debating how
we win the future, reduce our deficit, deal with high gas prices,
and bring stability to the Middle East,
Washington, DC,
was once again distracted by a fake issue,' Pfeiffer said.
'The President's hope is that with this
step, we can move on to debating the bigger issues that matter to
the American people
and the future of the country.'"

Joe "The Jet" Perry, NFL's First Black MVP, Dies At 84 | News One

"Joe Perry, former 49ers fullback and one of the first African-American stars of the National Football League, passed away on Monday from complications of dementia. New York Times reports: Perry, who lived in Chandler, Ariz., had been receiving financial assistance under a National Football League benefits plan aiding former players with dementia, his wife said, and his brain will be donated to a Boston University facility researching that issue."