Tuesday, September 15, 2009

BlackPlanet.com - Read Note..reply from ..a voice in midair..a king Praises me as ..work in poetry and love in meeting..Create

35 mins ago Category: Community To: cws812je Subject: PRAISE THE LORD Your talent
is God's gift to you. What you do with it is
your gift back
to God.Do it trembling if you must, but do it !The past cannot be changed,
the future is still in
your power.You are never given a wish without being given the
power to make it
come true. Somewhere
someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence
that life is worth while. So when you are lonely,
remember it's true Somebody somewhere
is thinking of you. The rising sun age old yet new and inspiring lighting up the world with its
soft pink rays; just watching the familiar hues dance on the
still water I return to emotions that
never truly left. Just as the sun sets it rises again wide arms embracing
a new day.As you
travel through life, your dreams will guide you, determination will get you there, and love will
provide the
scenery of all.i consider my
emotions for u but your spiritual stand
is also an important factor
to having a future with
you.It is sometimes
hard to cross that bridge, try something new, or make that change. But once you do, you will realize that things are usually
never as bad
as we imagine.
Friends are God's way
of taking care of us.A friend
is someone who reaches out
for your hand...
and touches your
heart.i will meet u online and
u can try to sign up with
yahoo msn so its easier for
you.i will keep in touch
so we can get to know
each other...thanks
and god bless you .. MY BARREL OF SWEET

Poetryoungangstanalyziniggand Love - The Nature Boy Freak Flair's MySpace Blog Memories never forgotten

The Nature Boy Freak Flair's MySpace Blog : "Saturday, May 26, 2007 Poetryoungangstanalyziniggand Love Category: Writing and Poetry Fatil Peril Gunshots
one shot
that hangs over my head move
wit' precision,
in a matrix-like
fashion bending over backwards
(LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION)The world stops moving,
don't make
a mistake the
camera the guns are still
shooting! Shooting like
a star across the sky.
Watch it fly like R. Kelly,
every minute
of every day .
Not knowing if prison will
be the place I'll have to
stay. Yeah I miss the Bay, I
like to watch the sun
say , 'Hi Mister Ross,' as he
would gloss
my melanin.
Miss having FREEDOM ...fatal peril. It's like the
arrow that hit the sparrow
on that sunny day, now
who would kill that
little bird, who never
had a discouraging word? I
saw him hit the ground and
looked to see if I was
next, 'cause
where I live-
Im that sparrow, flying
around these projects.
I'm sick of this
shit but
it's everywhere I am."

Cavity Search - The Nature Boy Freak Flair's MySpace Blog |

"Cavity Search Current mood: annoyed
Soles of
grimaced balancing
soil, sprinkled with specks
of granite
& glass. I stand. Helpless. Nude. Arms
raised as my captor
instructed. I ended the occasion; lift balls grab
ass squat &
cough. Humiliated. NAKED-in
the rain."

Cavity Search - The Nature Boy Freak Flair's MySpace Blog |

Cavity Search - The Nature Boy Freak Flair's MySpace Blog : THE REPLY "what levels
as a clone...left
where i must be instructed
2 behave..while I've
spent a life ..locked..incarcerated.. I LOVE THIS...
SPEAKS OUT CYPHER..DA STRUGGLE CREATE..U KNOW Posted by sheila on Monday, November 10, 2008 - 6:06 PM"
"Cause Announcement from A Real
Man Never Hits A Woman! Hello Everyone, As most of you dont know me, im
Yoni, a new
admin at this cause; I just wanted to introduce
myself and give a little background of what I do and how I can
help this cause.
Im the owner of another Cause called September 11th awareness with
2.5MIL members, so i have
experience with working in huge
causes. I also am
here to 'update' this cause; its been a little inactive for a
little bit (on the staffs end)
but that will change very soon; Im looking
to take everyones
word into strong
consideration, so if you have
any suggestions
or complaints
PLEASE private
message me and ill TRY to reply
and if I feel
the suggestion is legit,
then ill do
whatever I can to get it done as fast as possible."


'All that we are is the result of what we have thought' Buddah
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'You create your own universe as you go along' Winston Churchill
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Be careful how you think. Your life is shaped by your thoughts' Proverbs 4:23
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'I am no longer cursed by poverty because I took possession of my own mind, and that mind has yielded me every material thing I want, and much more than I need. But this power of mind is a universal one, available to the humblest person as it is to the greatest.' Andrew Carnegie
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Whether you think you can or can't either way you are right.' Henry Ford
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Man must cease attributing his problems to his environment, and learn again to exercise his will - his personal responsibility.' Albert Schweitzer
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.' Albert Einstein"

A Gift of Love

"A Gift of Love Author Unknown I've nothing else to offer, So, to you, it's love I'll send, It's nothing that I borrowed, And it's nothing that I'd lend. It has no dollar value, And it can't be overused; It isn't fragile, so it can't break, Though, often it's abused. I've given it to others, But each time it's unique, Its meaning's always different; It depends on what you seek. It's something you can store away To feel when you're in need, But never is it on display; Its beauty can't be seen. I'm giving it 'no strings attached,' No costly warranty; This love that I am sending Has a lifetime guarantee."

Face Value - Cheré Takes on The World

Face Value - Cheré Takes on The World

BlackPlanet.com - Read Note

Read Note: "'I wish I could see through your eyes so
I would know what
you like to see. I wish I knew your wishes, so I could give
you everything
you want. I wish I dreamed the same dreams
you do, and together
we could make them come true. I wish I knew what makes you happy,
so I could make you
the happiest person in the whole world.
And lastly, I wish I were a cell in your blood, so I would be sure I
was somewhere in your heart.' ------ Original note ------ From: cws812je To: johnkelly401 Subject: Re: hi Thank u for the kind words..Create.. ------ Original note ------"