Tuesday, September 15, 2009

BlackPlanet.com - Read Note..reply from ..a voice in midair..a king Praises me as ..work in poetry and love in meeting..Create

35 mins ago Category: Community To: cws812je Subject: PRAISE THE LORD Your talent
is God's gift to you. What you do with it is
your gift back
to God.Do it trembling if you must, but do it !The past cannot be changed,
the future is still in
your power.You are never given a wish without being given the
power to make it
come true. Somewhere
someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence
that life is worth while. So when you are lonely,
remember it's true Somebody somewhere
is thinking of you. The rising sun age old yet new and inspiring lighting up the world with its
soft pink rays; just watching the familiar hues dance on the
still water I return to emotions that
never truly left. Just as the sun sets it rises again wide arms embracing
a new day.As you
travel through life, your dreams will guide you, determination will get you there, and love will
provide the
scenery of all.i consider my
emotions for u but your spiritual stand
is also an important factor
to having a future with
you.It is sometimes
hard to cross that bridge, try something new, or make that change. But once you do, you will realize that things are usually
never as bad
as we imagine.
Friends are God's way
of taking care of us.A friend
is someone who reaches out
for your hand...
and touches your
heart.i will meet u online and
u can try to sign up with
yahoo msn so its easier for
you.i will keep in touch
so we can get to know
each other...thanks
and god bless you .. MY BARREL OF SWEET

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