Saturday, February 12, 2011

Create don't celebrate VALENTINE"S DAY

Sheila's testimony reads.... "Due to dissin..
or self attacks..
on Valentines w/ heart affects.. what scandalizes a meaningless
harmful act..scores by letting both barrels aim and fire at will.
.tags me the subject..the angry oppress issues of losing time n a
bottle that wore no home with a village raised..confines
the wisdom ..she knows no truths.. where life has a cross of worship
and find a light at the end of the tunnel..criteria motives
raises roots..plants start to grow.. balances what once showed whay
off from a distance, through space ..time holds it's place beyond
what understood...a heart is a house of love and I AM PROOF..
.Create..Believe it or NOT... Shakespeare's relative..
reads,the plot thickens..
a pile of mess, secretions all
over me..where L O V E
left no warning..B on Guard..Peace; life saw u coming..
the Devil was right behind.. hating..I become..a knife,
cuts evil.. reasons I cry...finds me GUILTY until proven..innocent...
JUDGES me.. the accused... Sheila T Jordan...