Wednesday, May 26, 2010


What becomes the parasite with no
mention of desire..our people's atrocities with lips that conjures up
what splurges among white anatomy ..while looking at wars of disaster..
cries in the streets.. the drums of battle.. sends a message..with Mics
by soldiers. and blood drawn from weapons upon the lines of poets.. lost & found..deep &
depth from weeds that's grown flies me 2 the moon & back where your love don't care what's black
spoken in tongues..dropping pants.. booty2rhythms2 rhymin senile.. alert or intelligent.. it was alright 2 break me off.. while the law called me hired help.. get up against
the wall of injuries..penalties.. drugs related.. incidence ..under minding what commonly
known to all in the ghetto.. they persuade 2 KEEP moviin out the way of a badge.. a fight 4 justice in a room without windows to escape the hot burning mass
of ridicule..interrogates me.. a animal roars.. where the saliva spits from..
breath that knocks you out..talks.. whose guilty in a lined up.. seeing an innocent victim being treated by a predator ..K-9s orders.. 2attack at will...hose u what comes 2 cool
us down..where civil rights .. segregation mic spoke Angela..Huey.. Gil Scott Heron..Martin.Malcolm.. essays of the best days..with bones still alive.. standing. still walking.. LAUREATES forms a revolution..what's been televised still..holding our own. shackled.. from wars in the BLACK JUNGLE.. w/no turning back..a Kingdom.. what was
becomes a Nation u called freedom..liberty..justice & 4 all.... give me 1 one Mic..give me just (one mic) Ghetto legacies.. buried..thrown 2 the dogs.. that's rights served in the name of GOD..his KINGDOM w/no parties GUILTY on trial..spared.. that's FREEDOM & JUSTICE 4 ALL..Create

Niggers Are Scared Of Revolution! (The Last Poets)

Gil Scott Heron - Message to the Messengers


Originals: Gil Scott-Heron 2/6

Originals: Gil Scott-Heron 1/6