Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Today... i chose to take my ways and actions to counsel...have a talk with God ...become days fault 2 create.change...first ..i hate rainy days and mondays..going in2 tuesdays..that's my days off..i love to display train of thought...give my explanations to the spirit world...coz..for some reason...i can'r make others ..hear my voice...where cousel relates very well..so i arrange my daily routines...make a list of what ain't right...eliminate what stands in da way...say goodbye 4 now ...read my journal...have a talk with counsel...ask if this is what i'm about...the source knows what to do...it's his plan b4 you decide...i cry so much now...with joy and happiness...not pain and anguish...when your up against da wind...you flow... move swiftly..take a flight ..where heaven becomes da guide...don't b weary...don't be shy...just spread your arms open...glide..slide...strive...for da moment when...God gives you this day...to conquer a midway of fortune...carry yourself with ambition...keep da negative behind decisions...which breaks your concentration..i won't b thrown to difficulties...while becoming "create"..the spoken word opponent... who comes through..what greets my subtitles and scriptures of da bible...what our Lord has us to live by...take da time out...express your bible sense...i live by counsel's confidence...he reassures da obvious...where there is love..i stand 2 supply love...grab a hole of...who wants 2 give bac...looking 4 nothing in return..but...respect...if u live like that...what guards your life..creates 2 inspire...your desperate need...2 be supported.....by da powers that live in me...myself transgressions and thankful outcome...by da grace of our Lord and savior ...whom ever your title be..mines is ALI..GOD..DA magnifcent..Peace..poementry's Create

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