Tuesday, November 24, 2009


"If you don't
stand for something,
you'll fall for anything!"
Righteous beliefs conquers
the mighty sound..speaks..forms it's own
barriers.. what breaks
the comfort for release..holds on to
the very platforms of feline
where I COME..the storms of nature..raddles
the chains..asking ..what can I do 4..
while the target of demands closes
innocence w/ loud audience..interuptions
alerts the soul ..what fights to incorporate..
shakes the room with mellowtoff cocktails w/slurred
speech..what wants 2 b a role as
talent behind what can't read..signs on a board
takes the floor..smiles..but settles
for thunda unrehearsed..
left on a platform..motionless
like..the 3 ds of scripture
defy..determine..what's the definition
to becoming a slow discovery.. a
new beginning..as the role call takes it's
place..commence 2 beatme.. I continue in battle..
bones crackin..
blowing it..Jazz is talking..what can I do
NOTHING..falling..broken..left..no words..
to defeat..what can't stand on his
own 2 feet...

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