Saturday, February 21, 2009

the duties we display

(HUMOR FOR TODAY)..LOLOLOLOL..on your behave..u made it happen..Comic Relief..u backed up emotion...i let ya out and your delivered..MR WORDSONG..LISTEN>>>thanks for this comic we go...your PICTURE..LOLOL..FUNNY!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh how does this rule..what life keeps us sitting on..2 disposal..the expression of need 2 open our face..the common case to exhilarate..become a mission to break the air and deliver..arrives..what's unannounced..targets our senses..invites it's stinch..loads..fires 2discretion..intestinal tract never asked..but.. willing to give back..everything we built up..restorate..but..just4 for a lil while...let ya know..I'm ready to's either you or me..on one knows the time..min or hour of release..but the after effects are..a breathe of fresh air..a load off my butt...where i gave my shit up and you fertilized your lawn with my badass doesn't that tell ya something..i'm recyclable..released my waste of your time and you get the finishing touches.. shit on your hands...but..cleans what's dirty..other than have a nice day...just bein me..nobody else butt..create.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I find that life~ takes u through all directions and sits ya down.. makesyou's all in how ya see the tears of a clown.. when noones around 2 stand..applaud them for their efforts..peace..SHEILA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's how a smile makes the day go further..u made mine..SMILING...:)-CREATE

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